

Focus Types

Research & evaluation
Professional Development


Private Sector
Public Sector
Local Government
Central Government
Voluntary and Community


Arts & culture
Children & families
Education & training
Future of work
Gender & diversity
Health & social care
Knowledge Society
Mental health
Social inclusion
Social innovation
Young people
Group relations
Social dreaming
About us
Talks & presentations
Staff publications
Thought pieces

435 results:

Chronic pain management: evaluation of an innovative service for people with chronic pain

We evaluated the PEACS (Pain: Equality of Care and Support in the Community) service in South London, to assess impact and replicability

Fatima Kamaté
Monitoring and evaluating the Just Transition

This Lunchtime Talk will feature Dr David Drabble (Tavistock Institute) and Dr Kirsten Jenkins (University of Edinburgh)

Lunchtime Talks
Scrambling time and matter in sulphur

Encountering our archive materials through artistic practice-as-research

Research: European Observatory for Active Labour Market Policies: EU-ALMPO

This Horizon Europe project will address labour and skills shortages across the EU through artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

University of Peloponnese
Measuring and Evaluating Success in the Scottish Just Transition

This world-first framework for measuring Just Transitions is already gaining traction in Scotland and beyond.

RAND Europe
What works in reducing NEET rates: a comparative study

Reducing marginalisation amongst young people

Youth Futures
Innovation Unit
First Light: Theory of Change
Research: Improving the flexibility of European education, training and learning systems

To contribute to the transparency and transferability of learning outcomes and ultimately to improve employability, we analysed two decades of European and national initiatives in this field

Just Transition Commission
Evaluation of Samaritans Online Chat Service pilot

This evaluation explores the Samaritans Online Chat service pilot, to determine how well it meets the needs of children and young people.

Just Transition Scotland: Monitoring and Evaluation

We have created a Theory of Change for Scotland's Just Transition so that disadvantaged groups may benefit from the low carbon transition.

Positive destinations

This evaluation of Barnardo's support programmes for care-experienced young people in Brent and Plymouth found  improved social connections, wellbeing and skills acquisition.

Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service: a collective story

Using oral history and creative techniques, we explored the impact of the Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.

The History Safe toolkit: an oral history resource

This oral history toolkit is an accessible guide to the 'sustained relational approach' for those working with people and communities.

Podcast: PARCS Grows Everybody

Listen to this podcast by the Young Feminist Collective

Clips from the PARCS Grows Everybody Oral Histories

Listen to these clips from the PARCS Grows Everybody Oral Histories via Soundcloud.

The PARCS Grows Everybody Documentary Film

Watch the PARCS Grows Everybody documentary film here.

Do residential rehabilitation services help with gambling disorder?

Our evaluation of a residential rehabilitation service for gambling disorder offers insights for commissioners

Neurodiversity in the tech industry

Colt, Nokia, Samsung, and Vodafone took part in this global study, which suggests an urgent need for more equitable and inclusive workplaces

The Systems Psychodynamics trilogy

75-plus years of learning and practice have been distilled into three accessible and highly readable books by Dr. Mannie Sher and Dr. David Lawlor

Learning from women and girls

Key insights from the five year Women and Girls Initiative

Mental Health UK
“...I needed that level of support..."

This evaluation looked at the Community Mental Health Navigator Pilot Programme, piloted by Mental Health UK with local NHS services

Art as re-evaluation: everything is scattered

Our stream at the Art of Management and Organisation 2024 Conference 

Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change

Join us on 25 May to meet some of the contributors to this new volume

Book launch
Community resilience

How can communities build on existing assets to face future threats with more confidence?

What is our approach to evaluation?

Towards a service with a moral function

The Experience of Being 70 and over

Dr Mannie Sher kicked off our 2018 lunchtime talk series with his talk ‘Experience of Being 70 and over — an overview of the group relations conference’.

Lunchtime Talks
The challenge of blending spirituality with organisational demands

What happens in the areas in which organisational structure and spiritual experience intersect or are in tension with one another?

Lunchtime Talks
Bringing out the best in times of uncertainty

In this talk, Professor Georgie Parry-Crooke explores what the right hat or hats might be for collaborative evaluation roles.

Lunchtime Talks
Evaluation: from reflective to deliberative practice?

Giorgia Iacopini explores what drives policy-making, taking us beyond the assumptions of policy work that still inform the evidence-based policy movement.

Lunchtime Talks
Why we need children’s hospices

David Strudley CBE FRSA makes the case for a major expansion of children’s hospice services.

Lunchtime Talks
Integration of Young People who are NEET

Learning from the ‘NEETs in Action’ Erasmus+ project.

Lunchtime Talks
Evaluating a values-based business ecosystem

New business models, systems and practices reversing the decline of the Textiles and Clothing sector and supporting its future sustainability.

Complexity and Evaluation — latest developments

Dr Dione Hills asks — how can a better understanding of complexity have an impact on the way we think?

Lunchtime Talks
Systems thinking at the Tavistock Institute

— past, present and future

Lunchtime Talks
Under the surface and far apart

The dynamics of discord in remote teams

Lunchtime Talks
The Medical Self: why doctors make bad patients

Professor Dame Clare Gerada explores the reasons why doctors find it so hard to seek help when needed.

Lunchtime Talks
Evaluating design enabled innovations

Special session: towards a common impact evaluation methodology

Lunchtime Talks
Applied Anthropology in Organisational Research & Consultancy

Why is anthropology important when understanding organisations?

Lunchtime Talks
Implementation Science Below the Waterline

Allison Metz joined us recently to speak about the role of trust and psychological safety in the use of evidence.

Lunchtime Talks
Impact of Covid-19 on front-line practitioners

Anna Sophie Hahne, Georgie Parry-Crooke and Thomas Spielhofer presented findings from the TIHR Covid-19 research study.

Lunchtime Talks
Survive and Thrive. What are we learning from the pandemic?

The Tavistock Institute team reflect on what learning about resilience is emerging from the coronavirus pandemic.

Lunchtime Talks
Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change

How can the Theory of Change framework be effectively employed in a wide range of social interventions?

Lunchtime Talks
Sentient Excavations

Developing a social practice as an artist. A talk that took place within the first exhibition of artworks in our offices.

Lunchtime Talks
Evaluating a values-based business ecosystem

The case of the Textiles and Clothing Business Labs

Lunchtime Talks
Pollution reduction in the European fashion industry 

In this programme, we worked with fashion industry actors to enable experimentation with new ways of designing, making and producing.

Heating the fossil fuel free future

Enabling the ripple effect of heat networks through influencing planners and colleges fostering skills and knowledge to work with green energy.

Reducing waste, costs and risk

How we achieved ISO14001 – the international environment standard.

Learning from the Learning Strand

Sharing insights from our evaluation of The Coronavirus Community Support Fund Grantholder Learning Strand.

The impact of digital work on workers and society

A key European publication on working post pandemic.  Findings include implications for managers and the Autonomy Paradox.

Announcing the Winner!
The Dione Hills Tavistock Institute and UK Evaluation Society Prize.
What we learnt from designing and running a Learning Strand during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Grantholder Learning Strand of the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF) evaluation – results and learning. COVID-19 and the associated lockdown disproportionally affected some people and...
Flexible Working for Older Workers Pilot project
How we are evaluating flexible working arrangements for older workers.
Using lifeworld analysis to understand people’s experience of disasters

Embracing innovative methodologies in a series of case studies for European project that aims to increase communities’ resilience to natural disasters.

The Dione Hills Tavistock Institute and UK Evaluation Society Prize - deadline extended
In memory of Dione Hills, whose contribution to the field of evaluation has been invaluable over her 35 years at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations...
2 Symposia; 1 International Study Tour
Design thinking and the arts for social change
Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change (P3C)
An invitation to grow your unknowingness
Dione (Sanji) Hills (1948 - 2021)
We are extremely sad to announce that our dear friend and colleague Dr Dione Hills has died following a sudden and short illness.
Dynamics @ Board Level
Understanding the complexities and working through the difficulties
Researcher – wanted!
We are looking to recruit a Researcher.
Report: Precarious work from a gender and intersectionality perspective, and ways to combat it
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, explores the phenomenon of precarious work in the EU from a gender and intersectionality perspective.
Policy Evaluation for a complex world

Special issue of the Evaluation Journal dedicated to the work of CECAN – the Centre for Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus.

A Learning Hub for the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF)
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is working with Ipsos MORI...
Outcomes for NEETs and community networks
Sharing more findings from the impact evaluation of the European project aimed at NEETs.
Breaking down binaries; promoting integrated health
A holistic leadership view for a covid resilient society.
Networks for NEETS
Employment opportunities through social and peer networks.
The Tavistock Institute & COVID-19

Here at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, we have adapted to work alongside the pandemic as opposed to against it.

Evaluations and stories

Reviewing the Medici project's role in softening the edges of evidence to map digital inclusion best practices across the EU and beyond.

Life during COVID Times
Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents.
Evaluation of the Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents Innovation Fund

Understanding how local areas can improve their systems for identifying and responding to families and children affected by alcohol dependency and parental conflict

Medici is live!
Addressing digital exclusion through sharing best practices.
Corona-Time Notes: The Virus of Horror
Seeking Trustees
An opportunity to contribute to social change.
The Magenta Book

New government handbook on evaluation now includes guidelines on how to handle complexity in policy evaluation.

Digital Exclusion Among At-Risk Groups in Limerick

Limerick is the first Smart City in Ireland. Committing to reducing digital exclusion by addressing knowledge gaps.

Medici – Mapping Digital Inclusion

The Medici project is a two-year EU funded project which aims to map digital inclusion best practices across the EU and beyond. It is the only project funded from its stream of work in the EU.

The Experience of Being 70 or Over
On Being an Orphan – an untold story
Social dynamics of self-organising groups In the light of historical evidence from the Tavistock Institute Archive
Juliet Scott’s Keynote in Finland. “We dealt with the archive not as a technical cataloguing exercise but as part of a wider and regulatory ecosystem, breathing new life into an organisation’s system.”
Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities

Understanding the part that the community has to play in increasing resilience to recover and adapt following natural disasters.

Enlightening human talents

The project aims to contribute to the development of efficient pre-training and vocational training services for low-skilled people in the 2 Seas region

I felt like I was there

Working with the digital archives of the Leicester Conference, a post by Karen Kiss.

A symposium exploring the Tavistock Institute’s archive.
Barbados Stock Exchange
Talking about board dynamics and other activities beyond.
Research & Professional Development Apprentice
Norwegian Evaluation Conference
Dione Hills gives keynote on the occasion of a joint anniversary.
An aspirational training project for the 21st Century
An action research project to train low-skilled school-leavers, without prospects, for employment.
Research published on collaboration in the Arts sector
Collaborating for change... A research report prepared for Arts Council England.
Learning from Veterans
Reflecting on a recent feasibility study for the Forces in Mind Trust. Sometimes you learn more from facing challenges than from success. In our latest research report, this was definitely the case....
Taking a complexity lens to understanding evaluation failure
In a new blog post on the CECAN website, Dione Hills suggests that a knowledge of complexity...
1, 2, 3… Groups
Evaluation capacity building with the British Council
In South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.
European research excellence @TIHR
Tackling complex societal challenges...
Election at the UK Evaluation Society
handing over the baton...
Promoting wellbeing for social change makers
Through an international partnership, we are helping to promote social change-makers’ wellbeing.
The Organisational Exploratory Program
The Organisational Exploratory Program is an international project aimed at supporting organisations working to serve important social causes across the world.
Testing New Ground
The Tavistock Institut gGmbH
a new company begins to grow…
Results are in! 50 winners
Congratulations! Designscapes has revealed the first 50 winners of the Open Call – each designer / creative entrepreneur will receive a €5,000 grant for the delivery of a feasibility study..
Why evaluation capacity development matters: the British Council approach

Defining critical factors for the success of any evaluation capacity training.

How to evaluate – or commission an evaluation – when everything is messy
A recording of a recent CECAN webinar. Presenters: Dione Hills (The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations) and Helen Wilkinson (Risk Solutions). Chaired by Martha Bicket (University of Surrey).
New ground-breaking research emerging from EmerGent

Six papers reporting the research outcomes from the EmerGent project that looks at social media use in emergencies.

Data mining Twitter during the UK floods: Investigating the potential use of social media in emergency management
Spielhofer, T., Greenlaw, R., Markham, D., & Hahne, A. (2016, December). Data mining Twitter during the UK floods: Investigating the potential use of social media in emergency management. In Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), 2016 3rd International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Social media in emergencies: A representative study on citizens’ perception in Germany
Reuter, C., Kaufhold, M. A., Spielhofer, T., & Hahne, A. S. (2017). Social media in emergencies: A representative study on citizens’ perception in Germany. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 1(2), 1-19.
Towards social resilience: A quantitative and qualitative survey on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies in Europe
Reuter, C., & Spielhofer, T. (2017). Towards social resilience: A quantitative and qualitative survey on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies in Europe. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 121, 168-180.
Studie: Wie sehen Mitarbeiter von Feuerwehr und THW den Einsatz sozialer Medien in Gefahrenlagen? Crisis Prevention
Reuter, C., Ludwig, T., Kaufhold, M. A., & Spielhofer, T. (2018b). Studie: Wie sehen Mitarbeiter von Feuerwehr und THW den Einsatz sozialer Medien in Gefahrenlagen? Crisis Prevention – Fachmagazin Für Innere Sicherheit, Bevölkerungsschutz Und Katastrophenhilfe, vol. 1, pp. 64–66.
Emergency services׳ attitudes towards social media: A quantitative and qualitative survey across Europe
Reuter, C., Ludwig, T., Kaufhold, M. A., & Spielhofer, T. (2016). Emergency services׳ attitudes towards social media: A quantitative and qualitative survey across Europe. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 95, 96-111.
Feeling more at ease with uncertainly and ambiguity
The Evidence: Learning from a Leicester conference
We have won ‘Best Business Change & Development Consultancy 2018’
Two years in a row - we secure another prestigious Win!
Quantitative Researcher - wanted!
We are looking to recruit a Quantitative Researcher.
Step Up Final Evaluation Report and Film
Co-produced evaluation of three-year mental health intervention completes, culminating in a report and short film.
Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Del-Pozo, E., Escot, L., & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2018) Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain. Revista Española de Sociología RES 27 doi:10.22325/fes/res.2018.3.
TIHR storm Chicago!
Read about the symposium convened by Jean Neumann at this year’s Academy of Management Conference in Chicago.
On not being an academic & representing TIHR at the Academy of Management
‘Tavi-stock-taking’ with Dr Sadie King
About the Women and Girls Initiative

An introduction to the Women and Girls Initiative Learning and Impact Services.

NEETS in Action

Developing an innovative model, TIHR continues research with young people who are NEET in Europe.

What can design do to improve our cities?

Promoting and encouraging the take-up of design as an enabler of innovation in the urban environment.  

Evaluation in Designscapes
Generating evidence about design enabled innovation.
NEETs in Action

A European research project with the main focus on young people who are NEET.

The UK’s Preventing Violent Extremism (Prevent) strategy: do the shifts in policy impact on meaningful evaluation?
Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation
The Tavistock Institute has been commissioned by Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) to develop and assess an Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation pilot in South Birmingham. We are responsible for running a feasibility study assessing the potential for further roll out of the delivery model on a larger scale...
Revaluation: Measuring Value, Making Value
Revaluation is a new methodology for measuring change in complex systems. It has been created by Andrew Darnton and Andrew Harrison, and comes out of a year’s work evaluating ‘bottom-up’ change in the NHS.
Managing Large-Scale Global Organisational Transformation: the role of culture & diversity
A summary of a 2-year assignment to effect leadership and organisational change in a multi-national player. The client is a global pharmaceutical manufacturing…
The project developed an intervention, based on existing methodologies, to reduce the risk of young people to become NEETs ('Not in Education, Employment, or Training') and has piloted the intervention in Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Changing the story: management panaceas as narrative interventions
Whittle, Susan Rosina (2015) 'Changing the story: management panaceas as narrative interventions', in Anders Ortenblad (ed.) Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Chapter 10, 173-189.
Report: Using social media in emergencies - survey findings
Summary report from an online survey of UK adults conducted in October 2016.
Evaluation of Health Navigation for Diabetes
“It cannot be us; it must be them”
Understanding and working with projective dynamics in the value chain helps to reduce blame, time, waste (inventory) and cost. The second article of the series: “All research is consultancy; all consultancy is research”...
The ‘Anthropological Thread’ in TIHR Archive
Presented by Dr Elizabeth Cory-Pearce, Dr Sadie King and Dr Mannie Sher. The talk explores the proposition that an ‘anthropological thread’ runs through the history of the our work as an organisation.
Latest news related to evaluation and complexity
Dione Hills reports back on some of the latest news from the Centre for Complexity in Evaluation Across the Nexus (CECAN).
Money Advice Service — Developing Strategic Theories of Change & Outcomes Framework

We worked with the Money Advice Service (now known as MoneyHelper) to develop strategic Theories of Change and an Outcomes Framework for the Financial Capability Strategy.

Dynamics of Evaluation Workshop
16th Nov: Responding to resistance to evaluation in organisations. Book now
Realising Ambition process evaluation
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) Realising Ambition programme is a UK-wide initiative that has invested £25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective.
Castellanos Serrano, C. (2016) Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective, Complutense University of Madrid (PhD Thesis) .
Benefits of Gender Equality (BGE)
EIGE’s project ‘Benefits of Gender Equality’ aimed to reflect on strategic approaches and methodologies used for conceptualisation and measuring of some of those benefits...
Evaluation of the Scale Accelerator
Evaluation of the Scale Accelerator programme - this project evaluated the experiences and outcomes for 10 social enterprises and charities who took part in a support programme aimed at helping them to scale-up the delivery of their activities.
A survey about adoption support
Online-survey in regards to the evaluation of the Adoption Support Fund
Adoption Support Fund Implementation and Evaluation Research

We led the evaluation of the national roll-out of the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) between 2015- 2018.

Evaluation of Connect Hackney: Ageing Better

A co-produced evaluation working with volunteer Community Researchers.

Taking Evaluation Seriously
Launching Dynamics of Evaluation programme: Navigating Evaluation in Challenging Times.
Gender Pay Gap
Gender inequality is a complex socio-economic phenomenon and the gender pay gap is a clear and persistent impact and indicator of this inequality.
Cloud Cuckoo Land: evidence from a study of student drop-out
Findings: Personal Relationships and Poverty - An Evidence and Policy Review
Castellanos, C., Corlyon, J., Grieve, M., Stock, L., (2014). 'Findings: Personal Relationships and Poverty - An Evidence and Policy Review', in Joseph Rowntree Foundation Reducing Poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews, pp. 126-129
Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care?
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Escot, L.,Del-Pozo, E. & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2016) 'Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care? The case of Spain'. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVII(2), pp. 169-191.
Communicating Results
The fourth (and last) in the series of lunchtime dialogues on the Dynamics of Evaluation. A panel discussion between Dione Hills (Chair), Cristina Castellanos, Milena Stateva, Laura Stock and Richard Allen.
Social Seducement: Serious gaming for social entrepreneurship
During 2014-17 we led a pan-European consortium to develop a serious online role play game to train potential social entrepreneurs. The Social Seducement project aims to...
Participatory evaluation of Step-Up Transitions
The Tavistock Institute worked with staff at Rethink and young champions with lived experience of mental health issues, to co-produce the evaluation of Step Up Transitions.
Evaluation of Tower Hamlets’ Supportive Families and Empowered Communities Parenting Practitioner Training & Support Project
The project focussed on the evaluation of a Prevent training programme for parenting practitioners and other professional working with children in Tower Hamlets.
Evaluation of Fixperts
Fixperts is social innovation project/ campaign that aims to encourage design students, design professional and members of the public to engage in fixing and making in collaboration with members of the public who have a problem or need that is amenable to a design solution.
Representation, Place, and Equivalent Realities: an Exploration of Relational Perspectives on Representation and Meaning
Izod, Karen (2016). 'Representation, Place, and Equivalent Realities: an Exploration of Relational Perspectives on Representation and Meaning', Organisational and Social Dynamics, Volume 16, Number 1, May 2016, pp. 110-128(19). Karnac Books.
Our prayer is our labour
On incubation of and innovation in reflective spaces. An essay by Milena Stateva, PhD, Senior Researcher/Consultant at The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
Reflecting on the dynamics of evaluation practice
Published in 'The Evaluator' (the UK Evaluation society Magazine).
Project Oracle
Impact Evaluation - Project Oracle: children & youth evidence hub for London
Following a process evaluation in 2013, Project Oracle commissioned the Tavistock Institute to carry out an impact evaluation with specific reference to a cohort of arts organisations.
Expanding our evaluation training offer
More professional groups & sectors face a demand to demonstrate the effectiveness & value of the work they provide...
TIHR in the development of theory & practice in group relations, organisational development & applied social psychology
Milena Stateva, PhD Senior Researcher/ Consultant at the TIHR spoke about the role of the Tavistock Institute in the development of theory and practice in the fields of group relations, organisational development and applied social psychology.
Evaluating Havering’s Children in Care Council
The London Borough of Havering partnered with the TIHR to evaluate their children in care council.
The artistry of the archive
Launching our new blog to document the emergent TIHR archive.
Handling Complexity
Handling Complexity: The third in the series of lunchtime dialogues on the Dynamics of Evaluation, presented by Eliat Aram, Dione Hills and Kerstin Junge.
Research and evaluation at multi-levels of governance
Cases of TIHR's intervening & learning from EU projects. Lunchtime talk: Kerstin Junge, 2nd March
Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (CECAN) is to be launched
in March 2016.
Emergencies in 140 characters – researching social media in emergencies
Thomas Spielhofer, Kerstin Junge, Matt Gieve, Joe Cullen and Dave Drabble talk about their ongoing research project exploring the use and impact of social media in emergencies.
Understanding and working with the psychodynamics of practitioner-patient relationships in the manual therapies
Sher, D. & Sher, M. (2015). 'Understanding and working with the psychodynamics of practitioner-patient relationships in the manual therapies'. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. Vol. 20, pp. 1-7.
The Experiences of Co-Directorship in Group Relations Conferences
Developing a Group Relations Institution in Lithuania
The Oedipus Complex, Creativity and the Legacies of Group Relations
Do we understand each other?
Communication is a complex process in general & communicating evaluation findings can be particularly thought provoking & is a multifaceted process.
Lunchtime Talk: Handling Complexity
The third in the series of lunchtime dialogues on the Dynamics of Evaluation.
Lunchtime Talk: Communicating Results
A recording of the fourth (and last) in the series of lunchtime dialogues on the Dynamics of Evaluation.
A System Psychodynamic Perspective on Evaluation
A presentation by Giorgia Iacopini and Leslie Brissett as part of our series on The Dynamics of Evaluation.
Handling complexity: online dialogue with evaluation stakeholders
The third open-class of Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change at UNIR University will take place on November 30th.
Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change
The Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) and The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) have created the Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change.
Fair Share - learning by developing
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is part of Fair Share, an EU-wide free online training platform for fair trade entrepreneurs, employees and volunteers.
Open-classes on The Dynamics of Evaluation
The Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change, a collaboration between UNIR and Tavistock Institute, provides new ways of learning.
UKES London Regional Network: One day evaluation training workshop
Register for this great opportunity to learn about the critical foundations of evaluation practice!
What Role, if any, Can Education Systems Play in Fostering Social Transformation for Social Justice? Prospects, Challenges and Limitations
King, S. & Sher, M. (2015). 'What Role, if any, Can Education Systems Play in Fostering Social Transformation for Social Justice? Prospects, Challenges and Limitations' European Journal of Education, 50: 250–253.
Practice: Social Work in Action
Elizabeth Harlow & Karen Izod (2015) 'Special Issue - The Supervision of Social Work Practice'
Family Separation & Poverty: What Works?
Tavistock Institute & JRF launch the fourth briefing in the series on family poverty and relationships.
Evaluation of Child Poverty Pilots: Delivering Improved Services for Separating Parents.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, BPSR and TNS-BMRB (2011) Evaluation of Child Poverty Pilots: Delivering Improved Services for Separating Parents. DfE.
Relationship Support Interventions Evaluation
Personal Relationships and Poverty: An Evidence and Policy Review
Stock, L, Corlyon, J, Castellanos Serrano, C, and Gieve, M. (2014). Personal Relationships and Poverty: An Evidence and Policy Review. JRF.
Evaluation as reflective practice
A presentation by Camilla Child and Dione Hills as part of our new series of lunchtime dialogues on The Dynamics of Evaluation, which contributes to the celebration of the International Year of Evaluation.
A System Psychodynamic Perspective on Evaluation
15 July 2015: The second in the series of lunchtime dialogues on the Dynamics of Evaluation
Lunchtime Talk: Personal Relationships and Poverty
This lunch-time talk launches the findings of the TIHR’s robust review of the latest policy and evidence on Personal Relationships and Poverty (2013-15), commissioned by JRF to inform the development of a new UK Anti-poverty Strategy.
Podcast: The evaluation process: resistance, politics and role
Through the lens of a recent evaluation project that the Tavistock Institute was commissioned to undertake, Giorgia Iacopini presents an experience of what it can mean to intervene in an organisation with an evaluation.
The evaluation process: resistance, politics and role
Through the lens of a recent evaluation project that the Tavistock Institute was commissioned to undertake, Giorgia Iacopini presents an experience of what it can mean to intervene in an organisation with an evaluation.
Ealing Council
Podcast: Evaluation as reflective practice
The first in a new series of lunchtime dialogues on The Dynamics of Evaluation
The Dynamics of Evaluation
A new series of lunchtime dialogues on The Dynamics of Evaluation. As part of our celebration of the 2015 International Year of Evaluation we are launching a new series...
Smart Metering Early Learning Project
Synthesis report published.
2015: International Year of Evaluation
Celebrations at TIHR! 2015 has been designated an International ‘Year of Evaluation’ with the aim of promoting evaluation and ...
Shifts in Theory and Practice Over 35 Years of Evaluation Practice at The Tavistock Institute
In this Year of Evaluation, TIHR is celebrating thirty-five years of evaluation activities. What follows is a personal account by Frances Abraham of the emergence of evaluation at TIHR during this period.
Report: Review of Mental Health Issues in Immigration Return Centres
A report prepared for Home Office by Dr David Lawlor, Dr Mannie Sher and Dr Milena Stateva. The purpose of the Review was to help the Home Office Immigration Return Centres improve conditions for detainees with mental health issues.
IDEAS for improving access to Higher Education
Lunchtime Talk: Dr Kerstin Junge & Giorgia Iacopini
From their paper at the Evaluation for an Equitable Society (EES) conference.
Evaluation of EnergySave

Learning about what works in saving energy costs and usage to support local housing residents.

The making of a new age Evaluator: how evaluations can be conceptualised and practiced
We were delighted when Ravinder Kumar joined us for the ‘Food for Thought’ lunchtime talk series last year to give his talk: 'The making of a new age Evaluator: how evaluations can be conceptualised and practiced'.
A Partnership of Policing and Health Systems: containing the dynamics of sexual violence
Sher, M. (2015). 'A Partnership of Policing and Health Systems: containing the dynamics of sexual violence'. In: D. Armstrong and M. Rustin (Eds.), Social Defences Against Anxiety: explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic series. London: Karnac Books.
Family Values in Straightened Times
Drawing on recent research funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as part of their anti-poverty strategy, this paper by Judy Corlyon explores the link between family relationships and poverty and how this is affected by current policies.
Barriers to inclusion and successful engagement of parents in mainstream services: evidence and research
Corlyon, J. and La Placaa, V. (2014). 'Barriers to inclusion and successful engagement of parents in mainstream services: evidence and research', Journal of Children’s Services Vol 9, 3, pp. 220-234.
Innovation or Stagnation – Social Work Organisations as Models of Behaviour for Clients
Sher, M. (2014). 'Innovation or Stagnation – Social Work Organisations as Models of Behaviour for Clients', Social Theory, Empirics, Policy and Practice. Vol. 9.
Group Relations Work in China – Challenges, Risks & Impact for Organisational Development
Özdemir, H. & Sher, M. (2014). 'Group Relations Work in China – Challenges, Risks & Impact for Organisational Development', Challenging Organisations & Society. Vol. 3. No. 1. pp. 5012-517.
The evaluation process: resistance, politics and role
A talk by Giorgia Iacopini, next at TIHR's 'Food for Thought': 24 September 2014.
Capacity Building: What the literature tells us
Whittle S., Colgan A. and Rafferty M. (2012). Capacity Building: What the literature tells us. Dublin: The Centre for Effective Services.
Lunchtime Talk: Evaluation of Shift.ms
In this talk Matt Gieve and David Drabble describe the recently completed evaluation of Shift.ms, an online social network for people with multiple sclerosis.
Poverty and relationships: addressing the gender perspective in the parental leave system
Where should the battle against poverty start? What has the parental leave system to do with income and poverty levels?
Report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK
The report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK was funded by Cancer Research UK. The report explored ...
Personal Relationships and Poverty: JRF Anti-poverty review
Tavistock Institute research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as part of their programme to develop a set of evidence-based, anti-poverty strategies for the UK – in order to answer - how can we reduce poverty in the UK? What are the underlying causes? And what impact do different interventions have?
Next Lunchtime Talk: Matt Gieve and David Drabble – 9 April
The evaluation of Shift.ms, and online social network for people with multiple sclerosis.
NHS Citizen

Creating a system that will genuinely hold the Board of NHS England to account

Evaluation of Shift.ms
Shift.ms is a web-based charity and social network for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), focussing on the needs of younger people with MS and those recently diagnosed with the condition. The website launched in 2009 and now has over 5000 members.
Evaluation of Shift.ms
We have recently completed a service evaluation of Shift.ms, an online social network for young people with multiple sclerosis.
Evaluation of Relationship Support Interventions
TIHR is the lead partner in an evaluation of relationship support interventions, funded by the Department for Education.
Evaluation of Relationship Support Interventions
The Department for Education funded a two-year evaluation of relationship support interventions which was led by the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. The other partners in the evaluation were the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU) and Qa Research.
Evaluating politically sensitive programmes: the case of Preventing Violent Extremism (Prevent)
G. Iacopini and L. Stock. (2013) Evaluating Politically Sensitive Programmes: The Case of Preventing Violent Extremism (Prevent), British Library MBS Portal, 2013.
Challenges Recruiting Families with Children at Risk of Anti-Social Behaviour into Intervention Trials
Stateva, M., Minton, J., Beckett, C., Doolan, M., Ford, T., Kallitsoglou, A. and Scott, S. (2012). 'Challenges Recruiting Families with Children at Risk of Anti-Social Behaviour into Intervention Trials', Journal of Children’s Services, Vol. 7 (4) pp. 285 – 302.
Evaluating the EMPAC project: empowering parents and children
ReSAurSE contributes to trafficking prevention and victim identification and referral by combating exploitative brokering practices through social auditing. The DG Home Affairs of the European Commission, Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC) Programme has commissioned a partnership of independent organisations to review social auditing practices to combat exploitative brokering in Southern Europe.
EmerGent: Impact of Social Media in Emergencies
EmerGent is a European research project that examines the role played by current mainstream social media in emergencies and assesses their impact.
London Borough of Hounslow
StepUp! Hounslow Youth
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) recently completed the evaluation of StepUp! Hounslow Youth, commissioned by Hounslow Council. StepUp! Hounslow Youth is part of a programme of work undertaken in Hounslow which seeks to develop community inclusion and resilience amongst its many communities. It also relates to a more specific strand of work related to preventing violent extremism, which the TIHR has extensively worked on.
Social tourism and organised capitalism: research, policy and practice
Corlyon, J. and La Placaa, V. (2013). ‘Social tourism and organised capitalism: research, policy and practice’, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, published online: 09 Sep 2013.
Participatory Action Research of Fostering Futures
Evaluating Fostering Futures therapeutic fostering service through action research: bringing together evidence and value-based approaches to evaluation. A presentation given by Laura Stock, Ian Taberrer and Dr Dione Hills, to the UK Evaluation Society.
This project aims to bring schools across Europe together through the creation of an online network to enhance and learn more from creativity, exploration and science in European school education.
Inspiring Science Education (ISE)
Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools. The main aim of the Inspiring Science Education (ISE) project is to support...
Improving School Governance Using an Action Learning Approach (IGUANA)
Changing Organizations from Within: Roles, Risks and Consultancy Relationships
Whittle, S. R. & Stevens, R. C. (eds.) (2013). Changing Organizations from Within: Roles, Risks and Consultancy Relationships. London: Gower.
RESLEA - Reducing Early School Leaving of Young People
RESLEA is a research project under the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme. The project aims to develop a model and toolkit for reducing early school leaving across Europe...
Roma Support Group
Replication Process Evaluation: How to Replicate Interventions which Stop Youth Offending
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) ‘Realising Ambition‘ programme is a UK-wide initiative that is investing 25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Evaluation of Shift.MS
Investigating the benefits of participating in an online social network for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis.
Report: Evaluation of the JISC’s Virtual Research Environment Programme
This report presents the achievements and lessons learnt from the 15 projects that participated in the VRE1 programme.
Report: Evaluation of the British Heart Foundation Patient Held Diary
The aim of this evaluation was to assess how patients, family and health professionals valued the usefulness of the diary and its impact in relation to the BHF objectives.
Report: Evaluation Of NESTA’s Learning Programme
A report on the work carried out during the evaluation of NESTA ‘Learning Programme presenting its main results, conclusions and recommendations.
Report: What is the Scope for Organisational Change in the Public Sector in Europe?
This paper begins to unpick some of the characteristics of public sector organisations, the environment in which they operate (that is, what motivates and influences change processes in this sector) and begins to elucidate some of the implications for approaches to organisational change.
Report: Engaging Innovation - Innovation in the Public Sector
TIHR secured funding from the Local Government Association, the Improvement and Development Agency and the Cabinet Office for a project on innovation in public services.
Report: New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots
TIHR evaluation team was commissioned to undertake an evaluation alongside the New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots.
Report: Evaluation of the ONE (Single Work-Focused Gateway) Pilot
The report provides an account of the observational case study and staff research evaluation of ‘ONE’ delivery, which was one strand of several assessing the performance of the ONE pilots.
Report: The Evaluation of the Work-Life Balance Challenge Fund
This evaluation took a multilevel approach to investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of the WLB-CF by utilising both qualitative (semi-structured interviews with key personnel) and quantitative (documentary analysis) approaches.
Report: Evaluation Of Wales Co-Operative Centre
This is the draft final report of the evaluation of Wales Co-operative Centre (WCC) Services and organisational review undertaken between March and October 2003.
Report: Books and Bytes: New Service Paradigms for the 21st Century Library
A report concerning the Evaluation of the People’s Network and ICT Training for Public Library Staff Programme.
Report: The Role and Effectiveness of Collaborative Knowledge Systems in Health Promotion and Health Support (RECKS)
A summary report of the main practical outputs of the the' Role and Effectiveness of Collaborative Knowledge Systems in Health Promotion and Health Support' (RECKS) project.
Report: Competence Evaluation Trans-European Networks (COMPETENT)
This document, Deliverable 4, presents the Final Report of the COMPETENT project.
Report: Evaluation of the Community Facilitation Programme
A report concerning the Evaluation of the Community Facilitation Programme set up in July 2001 by the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit (NRU) within the then Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
Report: Evaluation of the Community Regeneration Toolkit
The aim of the Community Regeneration Toolkit is to provide support for community groups to develop local partnerships and implement strategies and action plans that promoted the economic development of their community.
Report: How the eEurope OMC Worked: Implications for the Co-ordination
The Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC) was first introduced at the Lisbon Council (2000) as a ‘means of spreading good practice’ and achieving greater convergence towards the main EU goals ...
Report: Learning from Domestic Violence Partnerships
This is the final report of work undertaken by TIHR on domestic violence partnerships on behalf of the Local Government Association (LGA).
Report: All Our Futures: The Challenges for Local Governance
A review commissioned by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister from TIHR, Local Government Information Unit and Solon Consultants.
Report: Evaluation of the Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion and Poverty
This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Community Action Programme to encourage member states to combat social exclusion.
Report: Measuring Public Value 2: Practical Approaches
Building on existing academic and policy work around public value, The Work Foundation’s project aims to help policymakers, public managers and institutions understand the concept of public value and see how it can be applied in practice
Report: Modelling Advice and Support Services to Integrate Virtual Component in Higher Education
The aim of MASSIVE was to design a model of necessary support services for European traditional Universities to successfully implement the virtual component of teaching.
Report: Evaluation of the Framework for the Future Action Plan 2003-06
This final report of the evaluation of the Framework for the Future action plan 2003-06 presents the findings of the evaluation research on improvement and development in library services and the contribution of the Framework action plan activities.
Report: The Fourth Option - Traditional Values in a Modern Setting?
A policy review for Fourth Option Special Interest Group (FOSIG) of the Local Government Association.
Report: Evaluating Science and Society Initiatives: (1) A Framework for Evaluation Report; (2) SETNET Evaluation Framework Pilot Report
This Evaluation Framework is a key output of a project commissioned jointly by the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)...
Report: Evaluation of the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
This report follows a request from DIUS to TIHR to carry out an evaluation of the UK Resource Centre for women (UKRC) in Science , Engineering and Technology (SET), focusing specifically on the centre’s work with women returners and employers.
Report: Separated Families: How Mainstream Services Support Disadvantaged Children and their Non-Resident Parents
Report from research study which aimed to develop an understanding of how the needs of children in low-income separated families might best be met...
Report: Caring in a Crisis: The Contribution of Social Care to Emergency Response and Recovery
Report on the SCIE commissioned investigation on the role of social care in the response and recovery to emergency incidents.
Report: Interventions for Children and Young People with Drug-misusing Carers
This report is the output of Department of Health commissioned research as part of Phase II of their Drug Misuse Research Initiative (DMRI), Research on Understanding Treatment Experiences and Services (ROUTES).
Report: Evaluation of the Parenting Fund
Report of the DfES commissioned national evaluation of the Parenting Fund in 2005.
Report: Ex Post Evaluation of the 2000-2006 ESF Support to the Open Method of Coordination in Social Protection and Social Inclusion
A report commissioned by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, under the service contract signed with IRS- Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale in association with TIHR, The Research Institute for Quality of Life and The Rehabilitation Foundation.
Report: Research Review on Teenage Pregnancy
A research review on teenage pregnancy commissioned by Community Care Information with the aim of giving practitioners an overview of important research studies in the area and what they might mean for practice and decision-making.
Report: The Effectiveness of Straight Talking - Listening, Hearing and Remembering
A piece of research, commissioned by Straight Talking with funding from Barking and Dagenham PCT and the Teenage Pregnancy Unit in the Department for Children, Schools and Families...
Report: A Methodological Paper to Inform the Future Evaluation of CLG-funded Local Authority Preventing Violent Extremism Work
This report is a methodology paper to inform the future national evaluation of CLG funded Local Authority-led PREVENT activities.
Report: Guide to Logic Mapping
Commissioned by the Department for Transport, this step to step guide as been developed as an aid to the evaluation of transport interventions and as a practical resource to accompany the 'Guidance for Transport Impact Evaluations'.
Report: New Guidance for Evaluation in the Transport Sector
TIHR in partnership with AECOM, were commissioned by the Department for Transport to develop a set of guidance for those commissioning and undertaking impact evaluations in the transport sector.
Hidden Complexity
Brissett, L. & Sher, M. (2013). ‘Hidden Complexity’, International Corporate Governance Year Book 2013, International Corporate Governance Network. pp. 70-71.
Delivery of Local Road Safety - Road Safety Research Report
The Department for Transport commissioned AECOM, in association with the Tavistock Institute, to design and deliver a three-year independent evaluation of the delivery of local road user safety.
Report: Feasibility of Transferring Budget and Commissioning Responsibility for Forensic Sexual Offences Examination Work from the Police to the NHS
A feasibility study and evidence base to support an impact assessment, commissioned by Department of Health’s Violence and Social Exclusion Programme and the Home Office.
Report: Teenage Parenting Reference Manual
TIHR was commissioned by Community Care Inform, an online reference site targeted at professionals working with children and families, to undertake a series of evidence reviews on teenage pregnancy.
Report: Evaluation of Phase Two of the Skilled for Health Programme
Report from the National Evaluation team (TIHR and Shared Intelligence) who used a ‘Theory of Change’ framework to evaluate the Skilled for Health at programme, project and individual level.
Sociotechnology and the Environment: The Tavistocks Contribution to Job and Organisational Design
Three Contemporary Challenges for OD Practitioners
Personality and Work Performance: Some Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Firms
Dependency, Alienation or Partnership? The Changing Relationship of the Individual to the Enterprise
The Tavistock Institute Contribution to Job and Organisational Design (Volumes 1 & 2)
Models of Organisation: An Introduction for Social Care Professionals
When Technological Innovation is Not Enough. Understanding the take up of Energy Technology
Organisationsentwicklung: Stand der entwicklung und perspektiven
Leadership in Residential Child Care: Evaluating Qualification Training
Evaluation of the New Deal for Disabled People: Innovative Schemes Pilot
Educating Prospective Managers in the Complexity of Organisational Life: Teaching and Learning from a Complexity Perspective
Improving Children's Health (2): An Analysis of Health Improvement Programmes 2000-2003
User Perspectives
Report: Evaluation strategies for community-level health projects: a review of best practice
This report provides an overview of the best evaluation strategies for community-level health interventions. It was the key output from a review commissioned by the Health Development Agency (HDA) which sought to..
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)
NHSIII (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement)
National Assembly for Wales
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA)
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Local Government Association
Office for Students
FOSIG (Fourth Option Special Interest Group)
Fathers Direct (Big Lottery Fund)
European Commission
European Central Bank (ECB)
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
DG Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission
DG Research, European Commission
DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission
DG Education and Culture, European Commission
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
Department of Transport
Department for Work & Pensions
Department of Health
National Archives Council
Kings Fund
Employers’ Organisation for Local Government
DG Regional Policy, European Commission
DG Budget, European Commission
Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
Big Lottery Fund
Cabinet Office
Department for Education (DfE)
Community Care Inform
The European Centre for Vocational Education and Training (CEDEFOP)
British Heart Foundation
British Council
Brighton and Hove City Council
The National Lottery Community Fund
Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Arts and Humanities Data Service
Department of Communites and Local Government (DCLG)
Value Schools and Citizenship Observatory for Culture and Sport (VALUE-SCOUT)
Socrates project aimed at identifying and analysing recognised good practices.
The Role and Effectiveness of Collaborative Knowledge Systems in Health Promotion and Health Support (RECKS)
The main aim of RECKS was to assess and enhance the role and effectiveness of collaborative knowledge systems in health promotion and health support.
The Logic of Intervention and Indicators for the ESF
TIHR supported DG EMPL on methods for establishing links between ESF Operational Programmes and Europe 2020. TIHR developed logics of intervention and indicators for Member States and Managing Authorities to demonstrate a clear...
The Fourth Option: Traditional Values in a Modern Setting
The Fourth Option Special Interest Group (FOSIG) represents the interests of a group of district councils who opted for a streamlined committee system as opposed to a mayor/leader cabinet (executive) arrangement in the reorganisation of local government after the 2000 Local Government Act.
The Contribution of Social Care to Emergency Response and Recovery
A knowledge review combining a systematic literature review with a practice survey.
Status of e-Inclusion Measurement Analysis and Approaches for Improvement
Study aimed at informing the Riga Ministerial Conference on e-Inclusion (June 2006) and the Commission’s e-Inclusion Action Plan 2007-2008.
Separated Families: How Mainstream Services Support Disadvantaged Children and their Non-Resident Parents
In the context of Government placing ever greater emphasis on the importance of children having meaningful relationship with both their parents, we aimed to explore ways in which mainstream services support this in the face of family separation.
Research Review on Teenage Pregnancy
Community Care Inform is a subscription based-website designed for children and family practitioners. It is a comprehensive database of specifically commissioned information written by experts, to enable practitioners to be more reflexive in their practice, evidence their decisions and easily find information to support them in their work.
Provision of Works and Services Related to the Ongoing Implementation of the ECB Diversity Strategy
The Tavistock Institute consultants and researchers have been engaged by the ECB, a multi-national and multi cultural organisation, to guide and assist its HR Policies and Staff Relation Division with the implementation of its Diversity Strategy.
Provision of Quality Assurance Advice as part of the Review of the Public Diplomacy Pilots
An extension of recent work with the Public Diplomacy partners to develop, design and implement the Influencer Tracker.
Policy lessons from EU’s Regional Programmes of Innovative Actions
Regional Programmes of Innovative Actions were ERDF funded programmes which gave EU regions the opportunity to engage in experimental innovation projects...
Philosophies and Types Of Evaluation Research
A study on the philosophies, approaches and types of evaluation research.
Parenting Fund
A research team consisting of staff from the Policy Research Bureau and the Tavistock Institute – funded by the then Department for Education and Skills – undertake a national evaluation of the Parenting Fund.
New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots
This project involved the evaluation of a number of employment support schemes for disabled people located in independent sector. Involved support for and use of local evaluation activities.
Moving Here: 200 years of Immigration in England - an evaluation
This study had two purposes:
Modelling Advice and Support Services to Integrate Virtual Component in Higher Education (MASSIVE)
Project aimed at designing a model of necessary support services for Universities to successfully implement the virtual component of teaching.
Measures of User Satisfaction for University Based Repositories of Archives and Manuscripts
This project concerned the development of measures of user satisfaction for university based repositories of archives and manuscripts for the Higher Education Funding Councils’ (HEFC) non formula funding of special collections in the humanities initiative (NFF).
Longitudinal Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Young People’s Substance Misuse Service Provision in Tower Hamlets
An evaluation with five main aims.
Local Road User Safety Evaluation and Action Learning
The Tavistock Institute working in close partnership with AECOM has been commissioned to deliver a cutting edge study identifying best practice to increase safety on local roads.
Interventions for Children Young People Schools and Families with Drug Misusing Carers
A study to explore the range of interventions aimed at supporting children and young people who live with a drug misusing parent/ carer.
Innovations In CVT In The Workplace: A Comparative Perspective
This study, funded by ESRC as part of its Learning Society Programme, aimed to understand the factors, internal and external to the firm that encouraged the introduction of new forms of CVT within companies.
Incorporating Evaluation into Everyday Practice: Pilot Seminar
TIHR in partnership with the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) part of the School of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham has been commissioned by NHSIII to design and deliver a one-day pilot seminar on evaluation, targeted at NHS Live members who are running or will be running an improvement project.
Impact Assessment And Ex-Ante Evaluation
GHK and The Tavistock Institute commissioned via European Policy Evaluation Consortium (EPEC) to carry out a Preparatory study for the Impact Assessment and ex-ante Evaluation on a Fundamental Rights Agency.
ICT training in public libraries – a Formative Study of Best Practice in the UK
The main purpose of this study was to learn from the experience of ICTL so as to inform future training and professional development in the public library sector and more broadly.
HERO: Health & Education Support for the Rehabilitation of Offenders 2001 – 2003
This project aimed to contribute to the rehabilitation of offenders within the European Criminal Justice system by providing inputs towards the promotion of a common rehabilitation framework.
Future Human Resource Development Issues in Government
Research study on the future workforce development issues faced by local government.
Framework Contract for evaluation services for the EU
TIHR has a framework contract with the European Commission, DG Budget, to provide evaluation services in a range of policy areas.
External Evaluation of the EU Programme of Community Action to Encourage Co-Operation Between Member States to Combat Social Exclusion
The programme evaluation addressed issues of large systems learning, and transferability of learning across 25 member states' policy and practice actors in relation to multi-dimensional aspects of social exclusion through six instruments or actions.
Exploring the Role of the Voluntary Sector in Supporting Parents and Families
This piece of work, commissioned by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), investigates the role played by the voluntary and community sector (VCS) in England in supporting parents, carers and families under the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda.
Ex post evaluation of the 2000-2006 ESF support to the open method of coordination in social protection and social inclusion
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the degree of coherence and complementary of the European Structural Fund (ESF) programmes with the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) at the levels of objectives, interventions, stakeholders and indicators - or in short, the support ESF provides for the social OMC.
Ex post evaluation of the 2000-2006 ESF support to the Open Method of Coordination in Social Protection and Social Exclusion
This evaluation was part of a set of ex-post evaluations of the European Social Fund (ESF) aimed at reporting on the use of the ESF and assessing the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of this financial assistance instrument.
Evaluation Of Wales Co-Operative Centre
An organisational review and evaluation of services for the Wales Co-operative Centre, a third sector organisation sponsored by the Welsh TUC was undertaken during 2002-3.
Evaluation Of UK Civil Service Reforms
The Tavistock Institute headed the team that designed overall evaluation including scoping study for Cabinet Office.
Evaluation of Tower Hamlets Prevent Projects
In 2010, TIHR was commissioned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to carry out an evaluation of the local Prevent projects funded between 2008 and 2011. This work builds on our earlier Prevent-evaluation activities in this field...
Evaluation of the UKRC (the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science Engineering and Technology)
The primary purpose of the evaluation was to assess the extent to which the UKRC was meeting its mission, purposes and objectives, and its effectiveness.
Evaluation of the Pilot of Patient Held Diary (PHD)
The evaluation of this pilot adopted a multi-pronged approach comprised of with six elements.
Evaluation of the ONE (Single Work-Focused Gateway) Pilot
Delivery evaluation of the ONE (Single Work-Focused Gateway) pilot which involved formative evaluation of the provision of integrated services to unemployed and benefits recipients.
Evaluation Of The Neighbourhood Renewal Unit's Community Facilitation Programme
The overall aim of this project was to evaluate the contribution of the Community Facilitation Programme (CFP) to improving community cohesion in particular regions in the UK.
Evaluation of the Long-Term Effectiveness of Straight Talking
TIHR was commissioned by Straight Talking to conduct a longitudinal evaluation of the Straight Talking programme.
Evaluation of the JISC’s Virtual Research Environment Programme
Formative evaluation designed to assess...
Evaluation of the Human and Environmental Factors in Devon and Cornwall Police Call Centres
An evaluation as part of a wider organisational consultancy project by The Tavistock Institute which involved a combination of primary data collection through interviews and focus groups (with both staff and supervisors) and secondary analysis of existing documentation resulting in a report outlining main recommendations.
Evaluation of the Community Regeneration Toolkit
The Tavistock Institute was commissioned by the WDA to evaluate the community regeneration toolkit over three years.
Evaluation of the Community of Practice on partnerships in the European Social Fund
A transnational network on partnerships in the European Social Fund (ESF) contributed to significant learning and good practice exchange across EU Member States.
Evaluation of the Child Poverty Pilots: Delivering Improved Services for Separating Parents
The evaluation of the Child Poverty Pilots for Separating Parents, which was led by TIHR and published by the Department for Education (DfE).
Evaluation of Phase Two Skilled for Health
TIHR was part of the National Evaluation team for the second phase of 'Skilled for Health'. We used a ‘Theory of Change’ framework to evaluate Skilled for Health at programme, project and individual level.
Evaluation of Open Method of Co-ordination [OMC] within the Context of eEurope
Europe-wide evaluation of the way OMC contributes to the realization of eEurope and the Information Society.
Evaluation of New Deal for Lone Parents: Extension to Eligibility
TIHR conducted an evaluation of the participation of the new groups in the programme for the Department of Work and Pensions.
Evaluation Of NESTA’s Learning Programme
Formative evaluation designed to help NESTA gain an understanding of it's Learning Programme.
Evaluation of Management Training
GHK together with the Tavistock Institute were commissioned through European Policy Evaluation Consortium (EPEC) to evaluate training provision by DG Admin at middle and senior management levels.
Evaluation of Investment in Cycling

Continuing a partnership with Faber Maunsell this evaluation sees the application of the framework to the cycling cities and towns (CCTs).

Evaluation of Healthy Living Centres
Taking the lead in a consortium, the Tavistock Institute evaluates the HLC programme success in terms of the aims of the Big Lottery Fund and the HLCs themselves.
Evaluation Of Framework for The Future: The Improvement Programme for English Public Libraries
The Tavistock Institute was commissioned by the Museums and Libraries and Archives (MLA) to evaluate the impact of the Framework for the Future (F4F) action plan on library services and the public library system, in support of the further improvement and development of the Framework action plan.
Evaluation of a Healthy Start
The Tavistock Institute worked in partnership with Symbia management consultants to evaluate phase 1 of Healthy Start, a Department of Health scheme which has replaced the Welfare Food Scheme in the Phase 1 area (Devon and Cornwall).
Evaluation And Organisational Learning
Study researching the link between organisational learning and formative evaluation in the Vocational Education and Training field in Europe.
Evaluating Science and Society
In February 2006, TIHR was commissioned by the then Office of Science and Technology in association with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), to design, pilot and then further refine an evaluation framework for use in evaluating Science and Society initiatives.
Evaluating PREVENT Projects and Programmes: Guidelines for Local Authorities and their Partners
TIHR was commissioned by Communities and Local Government (CLG) to develop a set of guidelines on how local authorities can evaluate their local preventing violent extremism (PREVENT) projects and programmes.
Engaging Innovation - Innovation in the Public Sector
The aim of the project was to review the literature on innovation to identify lessons for the encouragement and replication of innovation in public services and to scope an action research approach to apply the lessons of the review to a number of current challenging policy areas.
Local Domestic Abuse Partnerships
This research builds on long-standing streams of research at the Institute into partnership issues at a number of different levels, including: interdisciplinary and inter-organisational working; developing partnership working; partnership delivery in local cross-sectoral settings; and the role of partnership coordinators in a range of initiatives.
DG Employment Evaluation Framework Contract
TIHR provided evaluation services to DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The work wasdelivered through the EPEC consortium and COWI via a multiple framework contract on evaluation services and methods.
Development of Guidance on Better Attribution in Transport Impact Evaluations
This project emerged from The Department of Transport’s need to increase the number and quality of transport evaluations. To do this, a better understanding of how to attribute impacts to transport polices and schemes was required.
Development Of An Evaluation Strategy For Arts And Humanities Data Service (AHDS)
The evaluation framework was intended to secure British Library Research and Innovation Centre's (BLRIC) continued position in promoting research and innovation in the library community.
Development of an Evaluation Framework for Making Better Use Schemes
The purpose of this study, led by Faber Maunsell, was to develop an evaluation framework for Better Use (BU) schemes.
Developing Partnership Working for Behaviour Change: Preventing Risky Behaviours in Brighton and Hove’s Young People
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) and Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID) worked together with Brighton and Hove City Council to explore how public services working better in partnership could help to prevent risky behaviour taking by young people.
Developing An Evaluation Strategy For The (Then) British Library Research And Innovation Centre
The Tavistock Institute was commissioned in late 1997 to produce a methodology for evaluating research funded by grant-in-aid through the British Library’s Research and Innovation Centre (BLRIC – now part of the Library and Information Commission).
Designing a Formative Evaluation Strategy for the New Deal for Communities
Urban renewal and community development for DCLG/ODPM
Developing Good Practice on Professional Development Opportunities for In-company Trainers

A literature review focused on the EU context and current examples of best practice for professional development for In-Company trainers.

Competence Evaluation Trans-European Networks (COMPETENT)
eTEN Market validation project aimed to develop and test a European Skills Development Network (E*NET).
An Evaluation Study to Examine the Effectiveness, the Implementation and the Impacts of the New Instruments Introduced in the Sixth Framework Programme
TIHR as part of the EPEC evaluation consortium was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of two new instruments created for the implementation of FP6 which ran from 2002-2006 with a funding of 17.5 bn Euro.
An Evaluation Strategy for the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP)
The Higher Education Funding Council’s (HEFC) Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP) is concerned with the availability of specialised library and archival resources for researchers. TIHR was contracted to prepare an evaluation strategy for the programme.
A Think-Piece on Measurement of Public Value
The paper is part of a larger project that seeks to examine a number of different aspects of the concept of public value and how public value can be applied in practice.
A Peer Review of the Prevent Programme
During 2010-11 TIHR worked with Tower Hamlets Council, Lancashire Prevent Forum and Local Government Improvement and Development (now part of the Local Government Group) to create and facilitate a Prevent Peer Evaluation process...
The Role of Traditional Healing in Mental Health
Burgeoning research has highlighted the convoluted mental health pathways of members of the African and Caribbean communities, and their over-representation within the mental health service.
Where Next For Teenage Parents
A presentation given by Principal Researcher Judy Corlyon to a group of staff and post-graduate students at the University of Greenwich on 25th April 2012.
Supporting couple relationships: new Tavistock evaluation
TIHR evaluates national Relationship Support services, including couple counselling, relationship education for first time-parents and marriage preparation.
Action research as a methodology that brings together value-based and evidence based approaches
The leader of the TIHR Trauma Stream of work, Dr Milena Stateva recently presented an argument on the potential of action research to bring together evidence-based and value-based approaches to practice enhancement and policy making.
Launch of the Realising Ambition Programme - preventing youth offending through replication of proven interventions
We are undertaking the process evaluation of Realising Ambition Programme.
Evaluation of the Community of Practice on partnerships in the European Social Fund
A transnational network on partnerships in the European Social Fund (ESF) contributed to significant learning and good practice exchange across EU Member States.
Evaluation partner for the London Deanery's 'Coaching for Health'
Towards a healthcare system that promotes patient self-management.
Evaluation: Evidence through practice
How we at TIHR continue to offer an innovative response in a changing and challenging climate.
Process evaluation: how to replicate interventions which stop youth offending
Launch of TIHR's Process Evaluation of the Big Lottery Fund's 25 million 'Realising Ambition' programme.
Local Road Safety Evaluation and Action Learning: evaluation reports published
The Department of Transport has published AECOM/ TIHR's evaluation report and seven thematic papers highlighting good practice and lessons learnt in delivering local road safety.
Leading Boards'
Presenting the first in a series of TIHR papers on Board Evaluation and Development...
Theory of Change in action
We were delighted when Helène Clark was able to join one of our lunchtime talk series while on a brief visit to the UK. Helene is a leader in Theory of Change development and facilitation, founder of ActKnowledge and of Theory of Change Online.
Potential benefits of web-based feedback: Lessons emerging from the evaluation of Patient Opinion website
Representatives from TIHR and University of Birmingham presented emerging findings from the service evaluation on accessing the potential and progress of web-based feedback for quality improvement in the Health Service at the prestigious 7th Biennial Conference in Organisational Behaviour in Health Care in 2010.
'Poor Parents, Poor Parenting?'
Poor Parents, Poor Parenting? A presentation given by Principal Researcher Judy Corlyon to the Parents on the Breadline Conference, Edinburgh 10th November 2010.
Evaluation of an ESF Communities of Practice
The Tavistock Institute is evaluating the effects and learning from the Communities of Practices (COP) on partnerships in the European Social Fund (ESF).
Participation in the wider research community is at the heart of TIHR
Shaping and learning from the research and evaluation community. Our role in the Social Research Association.
Training on self-evaluation for local authorities
Pressure on funding is increasing the pressure on local authorities to undertake evaluations themselves which demonstrate and assess the 'effectiveness' of their work.
Evaluation of the Child Poverty Pilots
Leading the qualitative research, we will employ a Theory of Change approach in evaluating the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Child Poverty Pilot to deliver improved services for separating parents.
A service evaluation using 'Patient Opinion' as a case study.
Assessing the potential and progress of web-based patient and service user feedback for quality improvement.
A green paper for the role of evaluation in the 21st Century?
What would a green paper for the role of evaluation in the 21st century look like?
Research & Evaluation

How can a focus on human relations add value to social research and evaluation?


How we are responding to the climate emergency

Tavistock theoretical frameworks and methods

Our research. consulting and professional development services are grounded in a rich theoretical framework and we specialise in applying participative and creative methods

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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