
Taking Evaluation Seriously

Taking Evaluation Seriously

Launching Dynamics of Evaluation programme: Navigating Evaluation in Challenging Times.

Launching Dynamics of Evaluation programme: Navigating Evaluation in Challenging Times.

Despite an increase in the demand for and the supply of evidence about a range of social, health and welfare policies, programmes and projects, what do we know about how evaluation is treated and importantly, by whom and for what purpose?

In a world where evaluation, in its many forms, has become central to understanding ‘what works’, there appears to be little research which describes what happens to evidence on its journey from the evaluator or evidence gatherer to the many audiences that have a need for or require it.

Finding time to examine these journeys is rare yet it would help to know where what we produce ends up and if it is useful, usable and indeed not misused at the end of the day. There are few opportunities to bring together evaluation stakeholders for those honest conversations which may help to demonstrate how evaluation is and can be taken seriously.

A new series of discussions within the Tavistock Institute’s Dynamics of Evaluation programme opens up the space to reflect on these and other challenging topics in evaluation.

For a brochure and more details of the fee, dates and venue or if you have any questions, please contact Rachel Kelly: Professional Development Coordinator.

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