
The Dione Hills Tavistock Institute and UK Evaluation Society Prize - deadline extended

The Dione Hills Tavistock Institute and UK Evaluation Society Prize - deadline extended

In memory of Dione Hills, whose contribution to the field of evaluation has been invaluable over her 35 years at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations...


2 June 2021

Complexity informed thinking in evaluation

In memory of Dione Hills, whose contribution to the field of evaluation has been invaluable over her 35 years at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, we are delighted to sponsor a joint prize with the UK Evaluation Society (UKES). The ‘Dione Hills Tavistock Institute and UK Evaluation Society Prize’, launched at this year’s UKES conference on May 25th, will be awarded for the best short paper on the application of complexity-informed thinking in evaluation, an area of work that Dione had a special interest in and was deeply committed to.

**Deadline extended!** The deadline is 12.00 Sunday, October 10th 2021 to hello@evaluation.org.uk

Find out more about the prize here

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