Elizabeth Harlow & Karen Izod (2015) ‘Special Issue – The Supervision of Social Work Practice’. Practice: Social Work in Action. Volume 27, Issue 4, 2015.
This special edition of Practice: Social Work in Action, is a response to the BASW UK’s 2011 policy on social work supervision and concerns at that time, and still prevalent, that the professional basis of social work was being eroded by overly managerial and technological approaches, at the cost of the capacity to bring meaning to social work practice. The edition includes papers which critique the BASW UK’s supervision policy (Bartoli, A. & Kennedy, S.), re-claiming reflective supervision (White, V.), the role of supervision in maintaining motivation(Lawler, J.) and supervision as a means of creating knowledge and sustaining credibility (Izod & Lawson).
Written to include individual and organisational perspectives, the edition is focussed on social work audience. Others supervising professional practice in a number of disciplines: therapy, consulting, coaching and research may also find it helpful.