
Do we understand each other?

Do we understand each other?

Communication is a complex process in general & communicating evaluation findings can be particularly thought provoking & is a multifaceted process.

Communication is a complex process in general and communicating evaluation findings can be particularly thought provoking and is a multifaceted process.

Communicating results is the fourth open-class of the Tavistock Chair. In this open-class a panel of four evaluators and consultants from the Tavistock Institute who have been dealing with these challenges for a number of years will come together present their views.

We would like to explore with you how a clearer appreciation of the dynamics and politics of communication can help ensure that evaluation findings are heard and understood, therefore, better able to contribute in supporting meaningful change in the systems, programmes or policies which have been evaluated.

While picking up on topics discussed in earlier open classes, such as the use of reflective practice, taking a system psychodynamic approach, and handling complexity, diverse examples will be used in this open class to explore the nuances of how different cultures, ways of understanding, power dynamics, gender dynamics, and so on can play a significant roles in the effectiveness of communicating results.

The fourth open-class of the Tavistock Chair closes the series on the Dynamics of Evaluation, which has contributed to the celebration of 2015 International Year of Evaluation. This open-class is based on a previous lunchtime talk that took at the Tavistock Institute that has been broadened and enriched by various conversations that have taken place.

The Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change is a collaboration between the Spanish University UNIR and Tavistock Institute. The aim of the Tavistock Chair is to explore different forms of communication that can be used to reach wider stakeholders and provide new ways of learning and reflecting within more open society.

If you would like to reflect with us, we would be delighted to hear about your experience of communicating evaluation findings, to enable us to learn and reflect together.

You can register for this free session, which will take place on January 28th (15:30-16:30 GMT) here.

We wish you a wonderful start to 2016!

Milena Stateva Senior Consultant Researcher, TIHR
Richard Allen, Principal Researcher Consultant, TIHR
Laura Stock, Researcher Consultant, TIHR
Cristina Castellanos, Senior Consultant Researcher, TIHR

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