

This EU project aims at improving the implementation and governance dimensions related to the relation between vocational and education training (VET) and the world of work, focusing on the area of integration between vocational and education training, work-based learning and in-company training.

The main objective of this project is to create a network to strengthen the relation between all kinds of stakeholders to encourage learning from those who are leading, adapting and innovating more successfully. Mutual learning is expected to improve skills and employability through a development of a more integrative path from education to work and vice versa for people of all ages.

To do so, it will provide benchmarking systems, guidelines, recommendations and suggestions on the design, implementation, assessment and certification that will address methodological, functional, content and organisational innovation in line with the priorities and strategic objectives of the Bruges Communiqué for new skills for new jobs. For example, how to reduce the implementation gap in different contexts or the analysis of experiences with creative methodologies or lifelong learning processes are practices to be considered and strengthened through this EU network of VET providers, SMEs, companies, learners and decision-makers.

The Tavistock Institute role’s is to lead the dissemination work package, to assure that all the project results are widely spread to optimise the social, economic and political impact and, thus, to maximize the EU value of the project. Researchers from the Tavistock Institute are also contributing to the research and analysis aspects of the project, as experts in the training and organisational dimensions.

VETWORK is led by European Vocational Training Association (EVTA)

For further information see the project website or contact Cristina Castellanos Serrano.

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