
NEETs in Action

NEETs in Action

A European research project with the main focus on young people who are NEET.

Community Networking for Integration of Young People who are NEET

‘NEETs in Action’ is a European research project with the main focus on young people who are NEET. The project aims to develop an innovative model to identify and support young people who are NEET drawing on existing best practices in partners’ countries, pilot this intervention in Portugal, Italy and Spain and analyse the impact of the intervention.


NEET refers to young people that are neither in employment nor in education or training (NEET). In 2016, 14.2% of young people between 15 and 29 in Europe were NEET with major differences between European countries including Germany with a NEETs rate of 9% and Italy on the other hand with 24% of young people between 15 and 29 who were NEET.Given the scale and impact of the NEET phenomenon, the project was set up to understand the causes of the problem, explore current and recent policies and develop solutions to promote youth employment and prevent the disengagement of NEETs from society.


The main objectives of the project are: 

  • To identify the state of the art of current good practices of social inclusion and work-based learning strategies
  • To design and develop a model of intervention
  • To pilot the methodology at a local level in Portugal, Spain and Italy
  • To promote awareness meetings in the context of the project to exchange experiences
  • To validate the model through a multi-stakeholder approach
  • To evaluate the impact of this model
  • To reinforce and match the role of different stakeholders to find the best means of optimization, and increase the networking capacity, with a view to enhance NEETs’ social inclusion and employability
  • To disseminate and explore the project results among relevant beneficiaries and ensure their sustainability at a practice level through the training of professionals and at the institutional level, influencing policies and changing the culture of services provided.


The project combines the development of an innovative model, piloting it in Portugal, Italy and Spain, and an impact analysis to measure the outcomes of these pilots at regional/national level. More specifically, the project involves the:

  • Development of an innovative model — the project focusses on drawing on learning from existing interventions and approaches that deal with NEETs, with the aim of developing tailored solutions. The model will include various stages from identifying NEETs to equipping them with necessary skills and providing pathways to further education and training or to re-enter the education system (if applicable). The model further aims to develop stronger contacts with the labour market.
  • Piloting of model — the model will be piloted in three European countries. This includes training of staff, testing of materials and tools, followed by the mentoring and coaching sessions as well as work opportunities for young people.
  • Evaluation — using a mixed-method approach TIHR will be measuring the main outcomes of the piloting of the model on stakeholders and other actors within the project. The project will use a Theory of Change to guide the evaluation.

Project Team

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