
Evaluation of Samaritans Online Chat Service pilot

Evaluation of Samaritans Online Chat Service pilot

This evaluation explores the Samaritans Online Chat service pilot, to determine how well it meets the needs of children and young people.

Lia Bekyan via Unsplash

What is being evaluated?

Samaritans, the charity in the UK and Republic of Ireland aiming to reduce suicide risks, has developed a new web chat service that makes it possible to chat with a Samaritan (trained volunteer) online. 

This new service was developed as sometimes typing can be more comfortable than talking and sometimes talking on the phone just isn’t an option. Samaritans read messages and respond in real time, helping people work through what’s on their mind. 

Our role

Samaritans have commissioned TIHR and Habitus Collective UK to evaluate the pilot web chat service. Our role is to understand the needs, impact, and user experience for those using the service. We will complete a report based on our findings to support Samaritans in considering the future development of the service. 

What are we doing?

The project centres lived experience of mental health distress and feelings of suicidality. 

Therefore, we have recruited peer researchers with lived experience to lead on qualitative research alongside our own research team. This involves conducting workshops with users of Online Chat including adults, children and young people, and Samaritans volunteers, taking a creative and innovative approach to facilitation and data collection. 

The project also considers quantitative data analysis utilising in-house survey data and operational service data from Online Chat. 

Are you interested in helping Samaritans evaluate its Online Chat service?

Samaritans is looking for a diverse range of people who have experience of suicidal thoughts, self-harm and/or have lost someone to suicide, and have used Samaritans’ Online Chat service.

The peer researchers working with the research team will facilitate online focus groups to gather feedback on the service. This approach ensures that the voices of those with lived experience of suicide are integral to improving the Online Chat.

Would you like to join in?

The focus group is designed to allow you to share your thoughts in a way which feels comfortable for you. You will not have to answer anything you are not comfortable talking about.

We are especially keen to speak to young people aged 18 – 24, but anyone 11 or over can express an interest. If you have not used Samaritans’ Online Chat service but have used a similar service, we’d also be interested in speaking to you.

Find out more

How this fits in

This research fits in with TIHR’s wider interest and passion to support children, young people and families through thoughtful and innovative research, evaluation, leadership development and organisational consultancy. We are experts in the evaluation of support programmes for young people, for example those designed by Barnardos for care-experienced young people, and we are supporting the development of social work practice through systemic family therapy training in Oldham Council, and motivational interviewing training in Sandwell Children’s Trust. 

This project also deepens our expertise in working with peer researchers.


Habitus Collective UK

Project team

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