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Group relations
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Thought pieces

96 results:

The Chair: politics, sociology and how to sit on one

In this talk, Rachel Kelly traced the history of the chair through human evolution, the significance and symbolism of the chair, the chair as ‘object of desire’ and what makes a comfortable chair.

Lunchtime Talks
One, Two, Three… Groups

Dr Yossi Triest talks about bridging the gap between the ‘unconscious of the individual’ and the ‘unconscious of the group.’

Lunchtime Talks
The Tavistock Community: our story so far…

A talk presented by Agnès Berthoz, Laure Fraval, Kalina Stamenova and Eva Worm

Lunchtime Talks
Between Worlds

The Spirit of Leadership

Mother / Child / Fly

Simone Kennedy was the Institute’s first Visiting Artist-in-Residence. In this recording, we hear how Simone re-imagines a symbolic mother shaped from experience.

Lunchtime Talks
Bespoke Programme in Advancing Practice in Unconscious Processes

This bespoke leadership programme was created for NHS Directors in the Midlands, UK

Deepening Creative Practice 2023
Professional development
Leicester Conference 2025

Welcome to the Leicester Conference of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the home of experiential learning and the place to engage with what it means to be human

Leicester Conference 2024

Welcome to the Leicester Conference of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the home of experiential learning and the place to engage with what it means to be human

Leicester Conference 2023

Welcome to this iteration of the Leicester Conference of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, celebrating 77 years in 2023.

Join us at our PD Open Evening!
Wondering what’s next for your continuing professional development?
Final places remaining!
…at the Leicester Conference 2022
All the world’s a stage…
The Leicester Conference 2022 invites us to engage in a new way, studying the capillary, tentacular and rhizomatic in organisations.
Lucian Hudson elected Chair of Board of Trustees
We welcome (back) Lucian Hudson as Chair of Trustees
A safe space for the Leicester conference
and something about the PPE event...
#13 Social Dreaming Matrix: Covid-19 - a year on. Notes from 10th June 2021
On the Matter of Space
The Leicester Conference in the Chilterns
Dione (Sanji) Hills (1948 - 2021)
We are extremely sad to announce that our dear friend and colleague Dr Dione Hills has died following a sudden and short illness.
Professional Development Opportunities
Find out what’s happening in 2021…
Task – Authority- Organisation
Birthing, Learning, Leading in a time of (post) Pandemic
United and Divided We Stand
Leadership, Authority, Political Identity, and __________
Prof Susan Long to give the Eric Miller Memorial Lecture
The Unconscious – the evolution of an idea.
Leicester Conference 2020
65x+12y = 77/14 = 1
Leicester Conference goes ahead in Germany for August 2020.
Tavistock Community 2nd Annual Gathering
is taking place on 29 June, via Zoom.
Group Relations Learning Beyond 2020
The World is starting to open, lockdowns are easing, social distancing and cleaning regimes are getting ready for the return to the new normal or the new reality.
The Early Bird still gets the Worm
Leicester Conference 2020. Early bird deadline 20 May. Apply now!
#3 — At the breakfast table he is approached by someone he argued with 34 years ago.

#3 — At the breakfast table he is approached by someone he argued with 34 years ago...

Bodies and Roles: sea change?
Leicester Conference 2020 Most of our lives take place in groups. The idea of a group is a construct that is rooted in the understanding of the human in relation to the systems...
Professional Development Round-up
Read about some of our professional development programmes and the great early bird discounts available...
Foreseeing Sea Change
Leicester Conference 2020
Leicester Conference 2020
Task Authority Organisation: 4C’s C-Change.
The Art of Inquiry from within
Remember the TLNT: Invite
I felt like I was there

Working with the digital archives of the Leicester Conference, a post by Karen Kiss.

1, 2, 3… Groups
The Heart of ART
73rd Leicester Conference still open for applications.
Launching a new Tavistock Community
for Alumni and Friends of the Tavistock Institute.
Boarding the Mother Ship
Attending the Leicester Conference. Since its formation in 1957, the Leicester Conference has continued to represent the unique contribution to our...
A Call to Love@Work
A paper was left in an office that stated...
Who are you saying “Yes” to?
Leicester conference 2019
Feeling more at ease with uncertainly and ambiguity
The Evidence: Learning from a Leicester conference
Making it to the Leicester Conference
Transforming Poverty of Time or Cash. Are you one of the many executives or someone seeking to take their career to another level?
Say Yes to the Mess!
“Say Yes to the Mess” of organisational life and leadership.
Peace not War
Art of Enlightened Followership...
Professional Development for the Development Professionals
The Leicester conference
The Art of Enlightened Followership
The Leicester conference. Catch the Early Bird Deadline 5th March 2018
Your choice?
A Tavistock Institute Prescription for Leadership...
Taking Responsibility for the state we’re in
Are social media platforms tearing apart the social fabric that binds us together, or are we all, collectively & individually, responsible for the state we’re in?
Creating Group Relations Institutions in the Tavistock Tradition in Countries outside the UK
The possibility of developing...
The Application of Tavistock Group Relations - Guliverio Akademija
A new school opens in Lithuania.
TAO: Presence in Absence
The Leicester Conference: Application deadline 24th JulyUpdate on Director of Training Group
The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts
In small (6-8 people) and medium-sized groups (15 - 20 people), p(g) = I (n-1) Where p = power; g = group; I = individual.
Towards Conscious Transformation
Being different…?
Time to Vote! Leicester 2017
Citizens all around the world are preparing to vote for parliaments, councils, presidents, municipalities and mayors, as well as...
Swim Upstream
The Leicester Conference has provided opportunities to understand the nature of role taking since the 1950s
Real presence: there’s a chair waiting for you…
An Early Bird discount at Task Authority Organisation, the Leicester conference...(deadline: 6 March)
Power Grab
As we enter 2017, the dynamic between leader and follower is playing out in a very challenging way, all across the world, but particularly striking in the USA.
Fearless Leadership 2017
The Best Price Yet.
Announcing four days in October 2017
Celebrating 70 years of becoming more humane
Leicester Conference 2017
The Global Leadership Intensive
Lead my Follower
Organisational life beyond Brexit.
TIHR statement
The Referendum
Premiership Learning in the winning city
The Leicester conference 2016.
“Awareness is the difference between looking and seeing, and between hearing and listening.” - Rachel Kelly, on the Yoga Event at the Leicester Conference
MSc in Leading Organisational & Development in a volatile and complex world
from the Metanoia Institute
Improvising with-in the Shadows
Exploring Authority and Leadership in our Organizations and Communities. Come to New Orleans for a Group Relations conference!
On the Yoga Event at the Leicester Conference
Podcast: Rachel Kelly talks about some key concepts, philosophical ideas and the myths and fantasies around the Yoga Event... Listen here.
Going with the flow
The Leicester conference 2016.
Early Bird discount deadline approaching!
The Leicester conference 2016...
On the Yoga Event at the Leicester Conference
Lunchtime Talk by Rachel Kelly, 10th February 2016.
Is it better together?
…an Adventure is going to happen - The Leicester conference 2016
No Present like time…
The Leicester conference 2016
Finding the Joy in Work
The Leicester conference 2016.
Podcast: Does love matter? fear and compassion in organisations and leadership
Dr Eliat Aram (TIHR CEO) used a recent TIHR Lunchtime talk session to open up a heart-to-heart conversation about the ethics of love and the freedom in fearlessness.
MSc in Personal, Team & Organisational Development
from a Systemic, Gestalt & Complexity Perspective.
Sold out - again!
5th Faroese Group Relations Conference. Leadership between Fantasy and Fact is the annual Group Relations conference...
Authority & Role: Flighting & Fighting in our Organisations
The Leicester conference
Podcast: Inspecting the police
Earlier this year we welcomed Stephen Otter, HMIC, to our Food for Thought lunchtime talk series.
“Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting!”
Apply now for the Leicester Conference 2014. The closing date for applications is 21 July.
The Early Bird gets the worm!
Early applications for the Leicester conference receive a substantial £500 Discount.
Tim Dartington to present The Annual Eric Miller Memorial Lecture
'Beyond evidence: tradition, innovation and the renewed capacity to think'
Next Lunchtime Talk: Stephen Otter (HMIC) - 26 February
Learning from Group Relations and how that is applied to the inspection process.
February's Lunchtime Talk: </br>Tim Dartington - 5th February
From the Buddha to Bion: mindfulness, psychoanalysis and organisational life.
Group Relations Conferences - The Leicester Conference
Coreene Archer and Mannie Sher explain what you might expect from The Leicester Conference.
Eliat Aram tells of directing a three-day Group Relations Conference in New York City
Read about it here...
Convert your learning
Convert your learning at The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) into credit for Masters Qualifications with The Open University Business School.
Tavistock Institute in academic exchange with Vilnius University, Lithuania
Mannie Sher teaches and consults in Lithuania under the Erasmus programme of the EU.
Hidden Complexity
What TIHR can offer towards understanding the rioting and looting
Anomie and order are two sides of the same coin. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations helps understand that dynamic relationship.
Reflecting on group relations
Giorgia Iacopini suggests, group relations offers good tools for researchers...
What is a Group Relations conference?
A group relations conference offers ...
The Leicester Conference

The 14-day experiential learning event that provides space to reflect and contemplate, within a global cohort, how you lead and follow in your organisation, your community and your life!

Organisational Consultancy: Working with the Dynamics

A hybrid/online series of 6 reflective seminars, for experienced consultancy practitioners focussing on advanced consultancy skills in Tavistock Institute Systems Psychodynamics.

Certificate in Dynamics at Board Level: unlocking the power of transformational leadership

A certificated programme comprising 4 × 2-day modules combining insights into group dynamics, unconscious processes, and emotional intelligence.

Launching Young Leaders

Finding Authority, Role and Impact – for young people who want to make a difference

Reading Seminars on Organisational Consultancy & Change

An online series of 6 reflective text-based seminars.

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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