
The Early Bird still gets the Worm

The Early Bird still gets the Worm

Leicester Conference 2020. Early bird deadline 20 May. Apply now!

Leicester Conference 2020

The 1935 Great Depression, the 1980 oil crisis-related collapse, the 2001 terrorism-linked recessions or the credit crunch of 2007: all taught us something – we will survive. What is unknown, is how will we live and work together? For leaders, this is a time of deep introspection.

We have been waiting for a systemic shock to happen. As people consider the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, governments are pouring money into our systems. How to support the unemployed, to support liquidity (cash and credit), refinancing of maturing loans and trillions of currencies of debt by corporations above investment grade (who may now be downgraded by credit reference agencies): their investment managers will have to sell, adding further to a drop in stock markets.

As the world faces the opportunities of Covid-19 and what the aftermath means for our social world, leaders have a chance to face their uncertain future and consider: how can I contribute?

The uncertainty of the current context, means that we cannot be sure if we will be alive, never mind have a job or a role to play. These existential anxieties can make us seek refuge in Netflix, food and sex – the pursuit of distraction. But there is another opportunity: time to reflect and ponder the question: who am I and what am I for?

We have been gifted time and space to be closer to ourselves. In that space, the capacity to find and make new commitments to change how we live and lead in our lives and in our organisations. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is concerned about what it means to be human, and what it means for humans to relate. The “shelter in place”, “stay at home” advice is inviting us to consider how we relate through communication devices.   What does it mean not to be able to smell colleagues and places?  How do we touch or get touched by others, when we are advised to remain 6 feet apart – are we to live a life untouched?

Methodologically, we intend to deliver the Leicester Conference in 2020 face to face, body to body, mind to mind, being to being, just as it has happened every year since 1957.

Group Relations Conference learning is designed to bring us closer to the nature of the realities of living and learning together. Traditionally this work has happened in a face to face setting over a 14 day period, where participants encounter each other in a fully immersive, sensory-rich experience. Fundamentally we understand that meaning-making in organisations and social life is embedded and embodied. The focus of the learning has been on the nature of thinking and emotions whilst delivering, a kind of double reflexivity.

People who have benefitted from group relations learning are better able to face the realities of situations, not be overwhelmed by the emotional plague, and are able to think clearly and find their role in the context and take it up, effectively. If you are considering how you will take up your roles in the new realities of climate, corona, communication and citizenship Change, we welcome you to apply to the Leicester Conference. There will be scope to think creatively about the key exploration of the TAO of Tavistock as it 4C’s C-Change.

The second Early Bird deadline has been extended from 1 May to 20 May 2020.

Dr Leslie B Brissett
Director, Leicester Conference 2020
Director, Group Relations Programme, TIHR

Applications are still open for the Leicester Conference in August 2020. 
To get the £400 Early Bird discount, apply by 20 May. 

For further details including timings, fee and discounts, download the poster. You can apply here. If you have any questions or would like a conversation, please contact Emily Kyte.

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