
MSc in Personal, Team & Organisational Development

MSc in Personal, Team & Organisational Development

from a Systemic, Gestalt & Complexity Perspective.

from a Systemic, Gestalt & Complexity Perspective.

Leading Transformative Change in a Volatile and Complex World

Started in October 2013, this MSc programme from the Metanoia Institute, London, validated by the University of Middlesex, offers a unique opportunity for leaders, managers, change agents and organisational consultants to join a learning community that focuses upon the development of inspiring Leadership and Facilitation – in the service of co-creating the future.

Dr Eliat Aram, the CEO of the Tavistock Institute joins the Faculty of this innovative programme where individuals are encouraged to develop their capability as reflective practitioners while learning to trust the creative flow of the field/context.

The programme offers the opportunity to find and develop our Unique Voice as Leaders, Managers and Change Agents; to gain confidence, presence and personal power; and to work with transformative processes in order to create breakthrough in groups, businesses, communities, large systems and the wider field.

It addresses the challenges of leading, managing, facilitating and consulting in the midst of an increasingly volatile, unpredictable and complex world. It features a relational and creative approach to organisational and field development. It actively explores the systemic interconnections between organisation and field and enquires into the roles and responsibilities of both individuals and business towards the field and the future.

For Tavistock Institute Alumni, there is the possibility of leapfrogging direct into the 2nd year of this new MSc programme for alumni of the Leicester conference or P3C and Coaching course graduates once your APEL – Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning – is approved.

Further details about this MSc in Personal, Team & Organisational Development from a Systemic, Gestalt & Complexity Perspective can be downloaded here.

Please contact Sarah Osman, Gestalt Academic Coordinator, at sarah.osman@metanoia.ac.uk to express your interest or to obtain an application form, details of the programme, application procedures and to confirm your interest.

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