
Leicester Conference 2020

Leicester Conference 2020

Task Authority Organisation: 4C’s C-Change.

Task Authority Organisation: 4C’s C-Change

Applications are open for the 2020 Leicester Conference: 1-14 August 2020 and the dates for the next 2 years are also available for your diary planning: 1-14 August 2021 and 7 – 20 August 2022.

We know that Group Relations conferences are growing across the globe as senior leaders, consultants and coaches are looking for places to deepen their thinking and enhance their practice. The intensity of a group relations learning experience provides unrivalled learning and depth. Whether it is a 3-day conference at Columbia University, a 5-day conference in Australia or a 6 or 8-day conference in India or Israel, attendees often leave with a curiosity about attending the Mothership, where it all began: the 14 day Tavistock Institute’s Leicester Conference.

Over 14 days the international membership and staff explore what it means to lead and follow in our organisations and communities. Putting Authority back at the centre of the conference title speaks directly to the challenges we face in encountering a more dispersed, distributed and at the same time more risky and uncertain contexts.

Anxiety is now constant across age, gender, class and role, and how we work with and through it is the fundamental challenge of our time. Just this week the World Health Organisation issued a report that states that in 2020 more deaths in the 15 – 29 age group will be from suicide than any other cause. What are the young telling us? It seems that something in our social system is not working.

The uncertainty of the context is causing a polarisation in behaviours of followers in response to the increasing tyranny experienced from leaders. As a follower, you either: Conform and Comply or you get Creative and Courageous….. these 4 C’s are being faced by us all. In the face of Climate change and other impending geopolitical and environmental extinction scenarios, there is a need to dedicate the space and time to really look closely at the state of our world and how we act in it.

The 2020 Leicester Conference will offer a 3 sub-conference model: A, B and Deepening Learning Group. A is for those who have not been to a residential Group Relations conference before, B for those who have some experience and the Deepening Learning Group – for those who have been to Leicester Conference before and with significant residential Group Relations experience and advanced process consultancy expertise.

The Leicester Conference is a place to experience the dynamics of Task Authority and Organisation and whether it foresees a sea change in our leadership and followership behaviours.

Early bird discounts of £400 are available for applications received before 1 May 2020. A maximum of 75 places are available.

Contact Anabel Navarro, Pre-conference Administrator with any queries or questions.

You can also find out more and make an application here.  

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