
Is it better together?

Is it better together?

…an Adventure is going to happen - The Leicester conference 2016

…an Adventure is going to happen – The Leicester conference 2016

When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.

You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Everyone benefits when you apply to come to the Leicester Conference in a group.

Run on a not-for-profit basis, the Leicester Conference is remarkably good value!  All ‘tuition’, all meals and accommodation for 14 days is £4,400. Applying early will secure an Early Bird discount of £500. For those early birds who come in groups, they get further discounts:

  • A pair of applicants attract a discount of £250 each ie £3,650
  • Groups of 3+ applicants attract a discount of £400 each ie £3,500

Come to the 70th Leicester conference this summer, our flagship Group Relations conference.  The title is The Art of Role: TAO of Tavistock – come and learn how to pay attention to the Task, use your Authority and understand your Organisation in deeper ways.

Being authentic in role is an art.  It requires an understanding of your gifts, your blind spots and the capacity to mobilise new strategies in changing contexts.  Group Relations methodology has been incorporated into the programmes of the world’s leading Business Schools and this is an invitation to come to the Leicester conference, the home of Group Relations, and truly learn from your experience.

Now is the time to put in your application(s).

The dates are: 13 – 26 August 2016 and the conference is held at the University of Leicester.  For a brochure or more information, please contact Rachel Kelly:

e: r.kelly@tavinstitute.org
t: +44 (0)20 7457 3927

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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