
The Art of Inquiry from within

The Art of Inquiry from within

Remember the TLNT: Invite

Remember the TLNT: Invite

Man knows himself only to the extent that he knows the world”  ~ Goethe

Can we make decisions trusting just what we see or do we need to look under the surface? Is everything is interdependent? How do we come to know what is fitting? How do we show up? What changes when we make?  Remember the Talent are excited to present a two-day workshop in Utrecht that invites you to inquire into change from within.  On offer on 15-16 November is a challenge to play with what you know and what you think you know. 

With a blend of art, science, voice work and group relations they offer this doorway into knowing. It might not be the only way, but hey: what do they know ;-). Find out during the workshop what works for you.

This is also a unique opportunity to work with Dr Leslie B Brissett from The Tavistock Institute and the director of the Leicester Conference, our annual flagship two-week conference in Group Relations. The Tavistock Institute has a long and robust history in developing learning cultures in organisations and communities, based on many disciplines eg. open systems thinking and psychodynamics.

The group work with Leslie has been a life-changing event for Jeanine & Jouke and they can’t wait to let you have a taste of this too!

Your facilitators: Leslie, Jeanine & Jouke:

Location: Instock, Vleutenseweg 382, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Date: Friday-Saturday, 15 – 16 November from 9-17h both days
Price: €325 (+ VAT = €393.25).
Tickets for the programme include coffee/tea, healthy snacks and lunches but exclude lodging & dinner

There are a few places left and you can read all about the program here.  

If you have any questions, email: info@rememberthetalent.com

You can register here.

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