
Launching a new Tavistock Community

Launching a new Tavistock Community

for Alumni and Friends of the Tavistock Institute.

for Alumni and Friends of the Tavistock Institute

Together with alumni and friends, we have begun building the Tavistock Community (TC) which was sparked off during the Activating the Alumni open space event at our 70th anniversary Festival in 2017.

Over the past year, through regular meetings of the core Community Building Group, we envisage the TC to be a place to connect with other ‘Tavistockians’, to exchange ideas, to develop practice, expand learning and work together to create new partnerships and work groups, all underpinned by Tavistock methodologies.

We see the overall purpose and modus operandi of the Tavistock Community: to be

  • about continuing the Learning…
  • self-organising
  • an emerging / evolving / learning Community

with a framework provided by the Tavistock Institute. Further information about how it is shaping can be found here.

We are planning our first Annual Gathering, a whole day on Monday, 24 June 2019 at the Tavistock Institute.

In the meantime, we invite our alumni and friends to join the TC here. Whether you have been a member at a Leicester conference, participated in one of our courses, programmes, events or seminars, have worked with us and/or are actively interested in our ideas and methodologies, we warmly welcome you.

There is a registration form where you can record your interests – you will then receive an invitation onto Basecamp, our online hub. The first year will be free to join and from June 2020 there will be a subscription structure. Alumni graduating in any year, can join after receiving an attendance certificate or after their graduation ceremony and will have the rest of that year’s subscription free.

To receive further news about the Tavistock Community and the upcoming Annual Gathering, tick the TC box on our enquiry page.

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706 | Design & build by Modern Activity