

Focus Types

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Children & families
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103 results:

Evaluation of Samaritans Online Chat Service pilot

This evaluation explores the Samaritans Online Chat service pilot, to determine how well it meets the needs of children and young people.

Family Saturdays x PARCS Grows Everybody

Bring your children to these arts and crafts sessions at Aspex Portsmouth.

Looked After Children #1

Reflections from TIHR researchers on evaluating the Adoption Support Fund 2015-2017.

Lunchtime Talks
Why we need children’s hospices

David Strudley CBE FRSA makes the case for a major expansion of children’s hospice services.

Lunchtime Talks
Implementation Science Below the Waterline

Allison Metz joined us recently to speak about the role of trust and psychological safety in the use of evidence.

Lunchtime Talks
When small numbers conflict with big data

Unraveling the collusive dynamic of the shared unconscious belief that low skilled individuals are beyond hope.

#14 Social Dreaming Matrix: Covid-19 – a year on. Notes from 17th June 2021
Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change (P3C)
An invitation to grow your unknowingness
#5 Social Dreaming Matrix: Covid-19 a year on. Notes from 15th April 21
#4 Social Dreaming Matrix: Covid-19 a year on. Notes from 8th April 21
#1 Social Dreaming Matrix: Covid-19 a year on. Notes from 18th March 21
Simone Kennedy – Artist in Residence
Announcing Inaugural Visiting AiR at the Institute
Responding to and learning from changes during Covid-19

The fifth and final blog from the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic sharing learning on the sector’s strengths and challenges experienced over this time, as well as some of the desires and concerns for the future expressed by project staff.

The Tavistock Institute & COVID-19

Here at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, we have adapted to work alongside the pandemic as opposed to against it.

Life during COVID Times
Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents.
Evaluation of the Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents Innovation Fund

Understanding how local areas can improve their systems for identifying and responding to families and children affected by alcohol dependency and parental conflict

#13 Social Dreaming Matrix during the Covid-19 pandemic. Notes from 15th June
#9 Social Dreaming Matrix during the Covid-19 pandemic. Notes from 1st June
#8 Social Dreaming Matrix during the Covid-19 pandemic. Notes from 28 May
#4 Social Dreaming Matrix during the Covid-19 pandemic. Notes from 11 May
If we were to give the session a title it would be: Lemon Drop Soup to the Superhero • 48 participants – about 34 female/ 14 male • We lost count of dreams.. and associations..
#3 — At the breakfast table he is approached by someone he argued with 34 years ago.

#3 — At the breakfast table he is approached by someone he argued with 34 years ago...

Delivering Prevent: A guide for effective practice
The TIHR was commissioned by the Home Office to undertake research to identify the factors that contribute to ‘effective’ Prevent implementation.
Towards an understanding of the current debates on the Dawoodi Bohra tradition of Female Genital Cutting
A synthesis of key issues.
NEETs in Action

A European research project with the main focus on young people who are NEET.

Festival Social Dreaming Matrices #2: Wed 18 Oct 2017
The Social Seducement story: the value of online games in enterprise creation
Lunchtime Talk Extra: David Drabble, Heather Stradling - listen online
The project developed an intervention, based on existing methodologies, to reduce the risk of young people to become NEETs ('Not in Education, Employment, or Training') and has piloted the intervention in Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Money Advice Service — Developing Strategic Theories of Change & Outcomes Framework

We worked with the Money Advice Service (now known as MoneyHelper) to develop strategic Theories of Change and an Outcomes Framework for the Financial Capability Strategy.

Exploring the TIHR experience of Co-Production
Lunchtime Talk: Heather Stradling 30th November
Realising Ambition process evaluation
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) Realising Ambition programme is a UK-wide initiative that has invested £25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Benefits of Gender Equality (BGE)
EIGE’s project ‘Benefits of Gender Equality’ aimed to reflect on strategic approaches and methodologies used for conceptualisation and measuring of some of those benefits...
Adoption Support Fund Implementation and Evaluation Research

We led the evaluation of the national roll-out of the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) between 2015- 2018.

Participatory evaluation of Step-Up Transitions
The Tavistock Institute worked with staff at Rethink and young champions with lived experience of mental health issues, to co-produce the evaluation of Step Up Transitions.
Evaluation of Tower Hamlets’ Supportive Families and Empowered Communities Parenting Practitioner Training & Support Project
The project focussed on the evaluation of a Prevent training programme for parenting practitioners and other professional working with children in Tower Hamlets.
Project Oracle
Impact Evaluation - Project Oracle: children & youth evidence hub for London
Following a process evaluation in 2013, Project Oracle commissioned the Tavistock Institute to carry out an impact evaluation with specific reference to a cohort of arts organisations.
Evaluating Havering’s Children in Care Council
The London Borough of Havering partnered with the TIHR to evaluate their children in care council.
Self-Assessing of the Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence in Schools
Carneiro, R., Child, C., Cullen, C., Dagienė, V., & Juškevičienė, A. (2015). 'Self-Assessing of the Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence in Schools'. Informatics in Education. 14, 2: 199-217.
Fair Share - learning by developing
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is part of Fair Share, an EU-wide free online training platform for fair trade entrepreneurs, employees and volunteers.
Concluding JRF Family Poverty series
An overview of our recent series on Personal Relationships and Poverty commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).
What Role, if any, Can Education Systems Play in Fostering Social Transformation for Social Justice? Prospects, Challenges and Limitations
King, S. & Sher, M. (2015). 'What Role, if any, Can Education Systems Play in Fostering Social Transformation for Social Justice? Prospects, Challenges and Limitations' European Journal of Education, 50: 250–253.
Extended Families & Poverty: What Works?
Tavistock Institute & JRF launch the final briefing in the series on family poverty and relationships.
Family Separation & Poverty: What Works?
Tavistock Institute & JRF launch the fourth briefing in the series on family poverty and relationships.
First UNIR-Tavistock Chair Openclass
'Reflective practice bridges the gap between theory, skills, values and methods'
Lone Parents & Poverty: What Works?
TIHR & JRF launch the third briefing in the series on family poverty and relationships.
Parenthood and Poverty: What Works?
Tavistock Institute and JRF launch the second briefing in the series on family poverty and relationships.
Lunchtime Talk: Personal Relationships and Poverty
This lunch-time talk launches the findings of the TIHR’s robust review of the latest policy and evidence on Personal Relationships and Poverty (2013-15), commissioned by JRF to inform the development of a new UK Anti-poverty Strategy.
Launch of Animation on the Lifecycle of Poverty & Relationships
Tavistock Institute launches an animation and series of policy briefings on family poverty for JRF.
Ealing Council
Personal Relationships and Poverty: What Works as Anti-Poverty Strategies
Lunchtime Talk: 15 April 2015
Personal Relationships and Poverty: JRF Anti-poverty review
Tavistock Institute research published in JRF Anti-poverty review.
Lunchtime Talk: Evaluation of Shift.ms
In this talk Matt Gieve and David Drabble describe the recently completed evaluation of Shift.ms, an online social network for people with multiple sclerosis.
Poverty and relationships: addressing the gender perspective in the parental leave system
Where should the battle against poverty start? What has the parental leave system to do with income and poverty levels?
Evaluation of Shift.ms
Shift.ms is a web-based charity and social network for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), focussing on the needs of younger people with MS and those recently diagnosed with the condition. The website launched in 2009 and now has over 5000 members.
Evaluation of Relationship Support Interventions
The Department for Education funded a two-year evaluation of relationship support interventions which was led by the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. The other partners in the evaluation were the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU) and Qa Research.
Warm greetings to you all for the festive season and best wishes for 2014 –
hear our handmade seasonal soundscape...
EU Progress programme
December's Lunchtime Talk: </br>Dr Thomas Spielhofer
New methods for gathering qualitative data in TIHR research and beyond.
Evaluating the EMPAC project: empowering parents and children
ReSAurSE contributes to trafficking prevention and victim identification and referral by combating exploitative brokering practices through social auditing. The DG Home Affairs of the European Commission, Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC) Programme has commissioned a partnership of independent organisations to review social auditing practices to combat exploitative brokering in Southern Europe.
Participatory Action Research of Fostering Futures
Evaluating Fostering Futures therapeutic fostering service through action research: bringing together evidence and value-based approaches to evaluation. A presentation given by Laura Stock, Ian Taberrer and Dr Dione Hills, to the UK Evaluation Society.
This project aims to bring schools across Europe together through the creation of an online network to enhance and learn more from creativity, exploration and science in European school education.
Inspiring Science Education (ISE)
Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools. The main aim of the Inspiring Science Education (ISE) project is to support...
Improving School Governance Using an Action Learning Approach (IGUANA)
RESLEA - Reducing Early School Leaving of Young People
RESLEA is a research project under the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme. The project aims to develop a model and toolkit for reducing early school leaving across Europe...
Roma Support Group
Replication Process Evaluation: How to Replicate Interventions which Stop Youth Offending
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) ‘Realising Ambition‘ programme is a UK-wide initiative that is investing 25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Longitudinal Study: Jewish Secondary Education
A longitudinal study to explore the outcomes and impact of Jewish Secondary Education on the school community and beyond.
Report: Separated Families: How Mainstream Services Support Disadvantaged Children and their Non-Resident Parents
Report from research study which aimed to develop an understanding of how the needs of children in low-income separated families might best be met...
Report: Interventions for Children and Young People with Drug-misusing Carers
This report is the output of Department of Health commissioned research as part of Phase II of their Drug Misuse Research Initiative (DMRI), Research on Understanding Treatment Experiences and Services (ROUTES).
Report: Evaluation of the Parenting Fund
Report of the DfES commissioned national evaluation of the Parenting Fund in 2005.
Report: Research Review on Teenage Pregnancy
A research review on teenage pregnancy commissioned by Community Care Information with the aim of giving practitioners an overview of important research studies in the area and what they might mean for practice and decision-making.
Report: The Effectiveness of Straight Talking - Listening, Hearing and Remembering
A piece of research, commissioned by Straight Talking with funding from Barking and Dagenham PCT and the Teenage Pregnancy Unit in the Department for Children, Schools and Families...
Report: Teenage Parenting Reference Manual
TIHR was commissioned by Community Care Inform, an online reference site targeted at professionals working with children and families, to undertake a series of evidence reviews on teenage pregnancy.
Improving Children's Health (2): An Analysis of Health Improvement Programmes 2000-2003
DG Education and Culture, European Commission
Department of Health
Department for Education (DfE)
Community Care Inform
Brighton and Hove City Council
Children’s Commissioner for Wales (Child Welfare & Care)
Separated Families: How Mainstream Services Support Disadvantaged Children and their Non-Resident Parents
In the context of Government placing ever greater emphasis on the importance of children having meaningful relationship with both their parents, we aimed to explore ways in which mainstream services support this in the face of family separation.
Research Review on Teenage Pregnancy
Community Care Inform is a subscription based-website designed for children and family practitioners. It is a comprehensive database of specifically commissioned information written by experts, to enable practitioners to be more reflexive in their practice, evidence their decisions and easily find information to support them in their work.
Parenting Fund
A research team consisting of staff from the Policy Research Bureau and the Tavistock Institute – funded by the then Department for Education and Skills – undertake a national evaluation of the Parenting Fund.
Interventions for Children Young People Schools and Families with Drug Misusing Carers
A study to explore the range of interventions aimed at supporting children and young people who live with a drug misusing parent/ carer.
Exploring the Role of the Voluntary Sector in Supporting Parents and Families
This piece of work, commissioned by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), investigates the role played by the voluntary and community sector (VCS) in England in supporting parents, carers and families under the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda.
Evaluation of the Long-Term Effectiveness of Straight Talking
TIHR was commissioned by Straight Talking to conduct a longitudinal evaluation of the Straight Talking programme.
Evaluation of the Child Poverty Pilots: Delivering Improved Services for Separating Parents
The evaluation of the Child Poverty Pilots for Separating Parents, which was led by TIHR and published by the Department for Education (DfE).
Developing Partnership Working for Behaviour Change: Preventing Risky Behaviours in Brighton and Hove’s Young People
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) and Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID) worked together with Brighton and Hove City Council to explore how public services working better in partnership could help to prevent risky behaviour taking by young people.
A Management Development Consultancy at a National Children's Agency
The aims of the Tavistock Institute’s work with this client were to help managers in the senior management team at the agency to develop roles for senior and middle managers consistent...
Where Next For Teenage Parents?
Supporting couple relationships: new Tavistock evaluation
TIHR evaluates national Relationship Support services, including couple counselling, relationship education for first time-parents and marriage preparation.
Teenage pregnancy rate keeps on falling, but what about support for teenagers who do have babies?
In the latest in a series of research and policy reviews on teenage pregnancy, we highlight how attention has predominately focused on the prevention of teenage pregnancy, often to the exclusion of teenagers who become parents.
'Child Poverty Pilots' for improved services for separating families
Holistic support helps families through parental separation...
Evaluation of the Child Poverty Pilots
Leading the qualitative research, we will employ a Theory of Change approach in evaluating the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Child Poverty Pilot to deliver improved services for separating parents.
Why talk about behaviour change?
Camilla Child, Principal Researcher/ Consultant talks about her work with Rachel Litherland and the IDeA.
Judy Corylon explains 'What's the impact of Straight Talking?'
Straight Talking, a school-based course for Year 9 or Year 10 students, aims to reduce the high rates of teenage pregnancy in the UK.
The voluntary and community sector: supporting parents and families
This study, for the Department for Children, Schools and Families, explored the role played in the Every Child Matters agenda, by the voluntary and community sector in England as a key provider in supporting parents, carers and families.
'Separated Families'
In a project spanning three years, The Tavistock Institute explored the ways in which mainstream services support low-income separated families.

Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.

The Women and Girls Initiative

The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) was a National Lottery funded initiative designed to enable a stronger women and girls sector.

We were engaged to deliver the WGI Learning and Impact Services throughout the life of this initiative.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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