Focus Types
19 results:
Searching for embodied experiences of work and labour in the Institute’s archive
Towards a service with a moral function
A tender touch
Considering the relationship between love and work
The work of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is based on a certain kind of love.
By Group Relations Director (to 2023) Dr Leslie B. Brissett
Being a consultant means helping the client. How open are we to when we are not?
This article on executive coaching is part of a series of thought-pieces developed by Dr Mannie Sher. In this article, space is given over to the client who speaks about the value of executive coaching.
(with apologies to the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight...)
I have been thinking about salt a lot recently. Maybe a strange way to start a blog for the TIHR Archive Project but actually there are many connections between the qualities of salt and the archive.
Sharing our work