Focus Types
92 results:
Reducing marginalisation amongst young people
This evaluation explores the Samaritans Online Chat service pilot, to determine how well it meets the needs of children and young people.
This evaluation of Barnardo's support programmes for care-experienced young people in Brent and Plymouth found improved social connections, wellbeing and skills acquisition.
Listen to this podcast by the Young Feminist Collective
Learning from the ‘NEETs in Action’ Erasmus+ project.
The Tavistock Institute team talk about a project designed to help low-skilled jobseekers train for future employment.
Green light for the 'PARCS Grows Everybody' Rape Crisis oral history project, exploring the legacy of Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.
Unraveling the collusive dynamic of the shared unconscious belief that low skilled individuals are beyond hope.
Whether you’re starting your first job, moving to a new one, or trying to break out of the same-old, there are ways of working that can give you a big advantage
The story of our work with arts. Expanding our disciplines and customising practice.
Developing an innovative model, TIHR continues research with young people who are NEET in Europe.
Finding Authority, Role and Impact – for young people who want to make a difference