Human Relations might be the one topic
everyone cares about.
We’ve been actively exploring the subject since 1947 in our radical, artistic, questioning institution.
How humans relate to each other and non-human systems, how we grow in character, how we embrace learning and change, are questions that flicker around all points of world history.
There is now wide recognition that group and systems psychodynamics play a vital part in the success or failure of work projects and organisational change.
Welcome to the 14-day experiential learning event that has been running since 1957, and provides space to reflect and contemplate on how you lead and follow in your organisation, your community — indeed, how you lead and follow in your life.
From us come ever-emerging ideas and technologies, which are adopted internationally by people, groups, businesses and other organisations.
We invite you to join our popular Food for Thought Lunchtime Talk series. Everyone is welcome and you can register to join online or in-person.
Lunchtime Talks take place on the third Wednesday of each month, between 1 — 2.30pm (GMT). We provide a space for informal debate and reflection between Tavistock staff, our colleagues and partners and an exciting range of eminent researchers and practitioners.