
Future Pulse: Young People Shaping Health Services

Future Pulse: Young People Shaping Health Services

An exciting conference showcasing Future Pulse’s achievements in making health services better for children & young people.


15 August 2016

An exciting conference showcasing Future Pulse’s achievements in making health services better for children & young people.

The Future Pulse Children and Young People’s Event in Nottingham on Tuesday 9 August included captivating and moving live music and dance performances led by Traemondo and Jamel Sterrett. These performances used the avenue of music and dance to share what it really feels like to be a young person in today’s healthcare services. Future Pulse also performed a role-play of the children and young people’s ‘Mystery Shopper’ 15-Step Evaluation of regional health service providers, which gave a sophisticated yet entertaining account of how good (and how bad) a health care service can be.

During the event, Future Pulse awarded Dr Elizabeth Cory-Pearce, Researcher/ Consultant at The Tavistock Institute, a Certificate of Appreciation, thanking us for supporting children and young people to participate in the NHS Citizen Assembly in London last November, and for making them feel valued and respected.

We likewise thank Future Pulse for their lively and valuable contribution to the NHS Citizen’s Assembly. Coming equipped with recording gear and prepared to debate the topics for discussion that day, Future Pulse members also interviewed NHS England board members and other professionals throughout the Assembly. These interviews built upon the investigative work they do regularly in Nottingham, asking the public about how health services can be improved for young people.

Future Pulse air these discussions regularly in their feature, ‘Once Upon a Question’, on Nottingham’s Kemet FM. The success of their engagement (which is detailed in our Learning Report hosted on the NHS Citizen website) was clearly enabled by the skills that Future Pulse as an organisation gives to children and young people and we are grateful to NHS England for supporting their participation in the NHS Citizen Assembly.

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