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70 results:

Securing buy-in from local key stakeholders in GambleAware's harm reduction programme

As Learning and Evaluation Partner, we are working with GambleAware to support an integrated gambling-related harm reduction programme. 

The aim is to better address gaps in identification, prevention, and treatment via nine regional boards. This is the second blog setting out learning so far.

Omved Gardens
Positive destinations

This evaluation of Barnardo's support programmes for care-experienced young people in Brent and Plymouth found  improved social connections, wellbeing and skills acquisition.

Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service: a collective story

Using oral history and creative techniques, we explored the impact of the Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.

Strengthening local networks to reduce gambling-related harm

This learning and evaluation programme with GambleAware will promote partnerships and collaboration between national, local and regional stakeholders.

Podcast: PARCS Grows Everybody

Listen to this podcast by the Young Feminist Collective

Clips from the PARCS Grows Everybody Oral Histories

Listen to these clips from the PARCS Grows Everybody Oral Histories via Soundcloud.

Portsmouth Rape Crisis: A Collective Story

Telling the story of the PARCS Grows Everybody project.

The PARCS Grows Everybody Documentary Film

Watch the PARCS Grows Everybody documentary film here.

Do residential rehabilitation services help with gambling disorder?

Our evaluation of a residential rehabilitation service for gambling disorder offers insights for commissioners

Entelechy Arts
Mental Health UK
“...I needed that level of support..."

This evaluation looked at the Community Mental Health Navigator Pilot Programme, piloted by Mental Health UK with local NHS services

Why we need children’s hospices

David Strudley CBE FRSA makes the case for a major expansion of children’s hospice services.

Lunchtime Talks
'In Their Words'

Green light for the 'PARCS Grows Everybody' Rape Crisis oral history project, exploring the legacy of Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.

What we learnt from designing and running a Learning Strand during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Grantholder Learning Strand of the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF) evaluation – results and learning. COVID-19 and the associated lockdown disproportionally affected some people and...
Flexible Working for Older Workers Pilot project
How we are evaluating flexible working arrangements for older workers.
A Learning Hub for the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF)
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is working with Ipsos MORI...
Corona-Time Notes: The Virus of Horror
Digital Exclusion Among At-Risk Groups in Limerick

Limerick is the first Smart City in Ireland. Committing to reducing digital exclusion by addressing knowledge gaps.

Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities

Understanding the part that the community has to play in increasing resilience to recover and adapt following natural disasters.

Learning from Veterans
Reflecting on a recent feasibility study for the Forces in Mind Trust. Sometimes you learn more from facing challenges than from success. In our latest research report, this was definitely the case....
The Organisational Exploratory Program
The Organisational Exploratory Program is an international project aimed at supporting organisations working to serve important social causes across the world.
All Change at Group Relations!
On 13 April 2018, the Tavistock Institute marked the transfer of the role of Director of the Group Relations Programme from Mannie Sher to Leslie Brissett with a Minifest, which served as a continuation of the October 2017 celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. On the morning of the Minifest there were lectures by Mannie and Leslie: Mannie reflecting on what he had learned in 20 years in the role and Leslie outlining his vision for Group Relations in the digital age.
Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation
The Tavistock Institute has been commissioned by Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) to develop and assess an Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation pilot in South Birmingham. We are responsible for running a feasibility study assessing the potential for further roll out of the delivery model on a larger scale...
Evaluation of Health Navigation for Diabetes
Realising Ambition process evaluation
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) Realising Ambition programme is a UK-wide initiative that has invested £25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Evaluation of the Scale Accelerator
Evaluation of the Scale Accelerator programme - this project evaluated the experiences and outcomes for 10 social enterprises and charities who took part in a support programme aimed at helping them to scale-up the delivery of their activities.
Hackney CVS (Community and Voluntary Services)
Evaluation of Connect Hackney: Ageing Better

A co-produced evaluation working with volunteer Community Researchers.

Social Seducement: Serious gaming for social entrepreneurship
During 2014-17 we led a pan-European consortium to develop a serious online role play game to train potential social entrepreneurs. The Social Seducement project aims to...
Participatory evaluation of Step-Up Transitions
The Tavistock Institute worked with staff at Rethink and young champions with lived experience of mental health issues, to co-produce the evaluation of Step Up Transitions.
Evaluation of Tower Hamlets’ Supportive Families and Empowered Communities Parenting Practitioner Training & Support Project
The project focussed on the evaluation of a Prevent training programme for parenting practitioners and other professional working with children in Tower Hamlets.
Evaluation of Fixperts
Fixperts is social innovation project/ campaign that aims to encourage design students, design professional and members of the public to engage in fixing and making in collaboration with members of the public who have a problem or need that is amenable to a design solution.
Project Oracle
Impact Evaluation - Project Oracle: children & youth evidence hub for London
Following a process evaluation in 2013, Project Oracle commissioned the Tavistock Institute to carry out an impact evaluation with specific reference to a cohort of arts organisations.
Evaluating Havering’s Children in Care Council
The London Borough of Havering partnered with the TIHR to evaluate their children in care council.
Evaluation of EnergySave

Learning about what works in saving energy costs and usage to support local housing residents.

Lunchtime Talk: Evaluation of Shift.ms
In this talk Matt Gieve and David Drabble describe the recently completed evaluation of Shift.ms, an online social network for people with multiple sclerosis.
Report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK
The report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK was funded by Cancer Research UK. The report explored ...
Cancer Research UK
Personal Relationships and Poverty: JRF Anti-poverty review
Tavistock Institute research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as part of their programme to develop a set of evidence-based, anti-poverty strategies for the UK – in order to answer - how can we reduce poverty in the UK? What are the underlying causes? And what impact do different interventions have?
NHS Citizen

Creating a system that will genuinely hold the Board of NHS England to account

Evaluation of Shift.ms
Shift.ms is a web-based charity and social network for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), focussing on the needs of younger people with MS and those recently diagnosed with the condition. The website launched in 2009 and now has over 5000 members.
Evaluating the EMPAC project: empowering parents and children
Roma Support Group
Report: Evaluation of the British Heart Foundation Patient Held Diary
The aim of this evaluation was to assess how patients, family and health professionals valued the usefulness of the diary and its impact in relation to the BHF objectives.
Report: Separated Families: How Mainstream Services Support Disadvantaged Children and their Non-Resident Parents
Report from research study which aimed to develop an understanding of how the needs of children in low-income separated families might best be met...
Report: Research Review on Teenage Pregnancy
A research review on teenage pregnancy commissioned by Community Care Information with the aim of giving practitioners an overview of important research studies in the area and what they might mean for practice and decision-making.
Report: Teenage Parenting Reference Manual
TIHR was commissioned by Community Care Inform, an online reference site targeted at professionals working with children and families, to undertake a series of evidence reviews on teenage pregnancy.
Models of Organisation: An Introduction for Social Care Professionals
Kings Fund
Community Care Inform
British Heart Foundation
Children’s Commissioner for Wales (Child Welfare & Care)
Separated Families: How Mainstream Services Support Disadvantaged Children and their Non-Resident Parents
In the context of Government placing ever greater emphasis on the importance of children having meaningful relationship with both their parents, we aimed to explore ways in which mainstream services support this in the face of family separation.
Research Review on Teenage Pregnancy
Community Care Inform is a subscription based-website designed for children and family practitioners. It is a comprehensive database of specifically commissioned information written by experts, to enable practitioners to be more reflexive in their practice, evidence their decisions and easily find information to support them in their work.
Evaluation of the Pilot of Patient Held Diary (PHD)
The evaluation of this pilot adopted a multi-pronged approach comprised of with six elements.
A Management Development Consultancy at a National Children's Agency
The aims of the Tavistock Institute’s work with this client were to help managers in the senior management team at the agency to develop roles for senior and middle managers consistent...
The Role of Traditional Healing in Mental Health
Burgeoning research has highlighted the convoluted mental health pathways of members of the African and Caribbean communities, and their over-representation within the mental health service.
Where Next For Teenage Parents
A presentation given by Principal Researcher Judy Corlyon to a group of staff and post-graduate students at the University of Greenwich on 25th April 2012.
'Poor Parents, Poor Parenting?'
Poor Parents, Poor Parenting? A presentation given by Principal Researcher Judy Corlyon to the Parents on the Breadline Conference, Edinburgh 10th November 2010.

Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.

The Women and Girls Initiative

The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) was a National Lottery funded initiative designed to enable a stronger women and girls sector.

We were engaged to deliver the WGI Learning and Impact Services throughout the life of this initiative.

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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