
Leading in Complex Times

Dr Eliat Aram presenting earlier this year at the Systemic Leadership Summit.

“What is going on in the world?”. This is one of the first few questions Eliat answers in this Systemic Leadership Summit session. She dissects the current global dynamics ​and serves them to you, summarized in a few strong paradoxes that we live in today. While exploring the work of the institute that she leads and the context of group relations conferences, you will discover what it means to lead in today’s turbulent times. Eliat invites you to define ‘a leader’, in a different way than the traditional ‘hero who needs to know all the answers’. She shares the (im)possibilities for impact and influence as a leader, and how you can take good care of yourself in the process.

Reproduced with the kind permission: Jennifer Campbell,
Creator and Host of the Systemic Leadership Summit

Eliat Aram joined the Tavistock Institute in 2005 and became its CEO in 2008. As Chief Executive, she embodies her theoretical grounding in uncertainty and complexity whilst leading the governance and management of the Tavistock Institute. She regularly staffs and directs Group Relations conferences nationally and internationally. Eliat works with organisation and community change agents, exploring how to work in the unknown, in conditions of high turbulence, uncertainty and ambiguity.

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