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Professional Development for the Development Professionals
The Leicester conference
Group relations
Featuring from the ArchLive: Ambient Jam Collective
Keeping you informed about content and resources from our 70th Anniversary Celebrations festival.
Social dreaming
About us
EU Supports Applied Group Relations
Helping primary and secondary teachers in Lithuanian schools to work effectively with groups.
Group relations
Evaluation in Designscapes
Generating evidence about design enabled innovation.
On being an Orphan </br>- an untold story
Celebrating the publication of the Tale of Taviland.
Young people
For the job of your dreams
Who do you need to be? What millennials regard as essential...
Group Relations Minifest - Learning for Leadership: Where to now?
Minifest taking place 13th April 2018. Registration has now closed due to high demand.
Group relations
The UK’s Preventing Violent Extremism (Prevent) strategy: do the shifts in policy impact on meaningful evaluation?
Conference: exploring the Tavistock and Portman archives
About us
Thought pieces
Early closing for applications
Dynamics @ Board-Level programme 2018
National Training Laboratories (USA) and TIHR (UK) meet up again
These two august bodies with common histories, aims and values have re-established connections and are up to something great!
It's raining women
Diversity in the Boardroom
Gender & diversity
The Art of Enlightened Followership
The Leicester conference. Catch the Early Bird Deadline 5th March 2018
Group relations
Women and Girls’ Initiative – Learning and Impact Services
New project announcement...
Gender & diversity
Want to work with us?
Interested in joining an organisation with a rich and continually evolving tradition in applied social research?
A.K. Rice 54th Annual Residential Group Relations Conference
We are pleased to announce the AK Rice Annual Residential Group Relations Conference on July 20 – 25 in New Orleans. This is the third and final conference in a series directed by Dr Eliat Aram...
Group relations
Robert Clark’s MASS sharings and premiere
As well as our own artist-in-residence, Juliet Scott, we have regular conversations and collaborations with artists from a variety of art forms.
John Stringer (1925-2018)
John Stringer, one of the pioneers of post-war OR, died on 21 January at the impressive age of 92.
Game-based learning for social entrepreneurship
The Social Seducement experience.
DesignScapes project has started!
DesignScapes explores how design can help produce new solutions for dealing with wicked problems in our cities.
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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
+44 20 7417 0407
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