
A.K. Rice 54th Annual Residential Group Relations Conference

A.K. Rice 54th Annual Residential Group Relations Conference

We are pleased to announce the AK Rice Annual Residential Group Relations Conference on July 20 – 25 in New Orleans. This is the third and final conference in a series directed by Dr Eliat Aram...

July 20 – 25 – New Orleans

We are pleased to announce the A.K. Rice Annual Residential Group Relations Conference on July 20 – 25 in New Orleans. This is the third and final conference in a series directed by Dr Eliat Aram, CEO of the Tavistock Institute, which explores how our uncertain and complex world confronts us with both challenges and opportunities.

A Group Relations conference is an experiential “learning lab” that focuses its attention on systems, groups and the powerful but often hidden dynamics that drive group behaviors and decision-making.

For over 50 years AKRI has served to educate students and professionals (in psychology, education, medicine, business, government and not-for-profit) on the indispensable tools and perspective gained from Group Relations theory and practice. In the words of past participants:

I see and think about groups, organizations, and the participation in them in a different way now than I did prior to the conference. Arts Administrator

The conference placed the learning within the context of an interdependent microcosm of social relations, groups, and various expressions of power and authority. Thank you to the A.K. Rice Institute for putting together such a powerful and challenging event. Sociologist

Of any of the 7 workshops/conferences I’ve attended this year this was by a long shot the most intersectional/multi-identified… the conference is the kind of experience that took me to another level in my interests of addressing the matters of white privilege head-on. City Government Executive

New Orleans and the historic Tulane University campus (fully air-conditioned) provide a context rich with history and a gumbo of language, culture, politics, tragedy and triumph. This background fertilizes the conference as a microcosm of the world.

Join a diverse membership from the U.S. and abroad as we gather together in curiosity, new awareness and creativity.

Outcomes reported by conference participants

  • Developed new leadership capacities to work in turbulent environments.
  • Increased effectiveness by recognizing the impact of the group, the culture, the organization, and the outside world on people’s work.
  • Improved strategic thinking through a deeper understanding of how organizations reflect their social, cultural, economic and political environments.
  • Understanding how leadership style affects the group by experimenting with how you respond to the conference’s developing organizational culture.
  • Learning about “under the surface” forces that impact individuals, groups and organizations.
  • Recognizing the impact of differences (age, race, gender, sexual orientation, class, political orientation) on group collaboration through your work with the diverse membership.
  • Applying these insights to the ways to manage work roles and professional development.

Visit the conference website and register today to take advantage of early bird special rates and to learn about opportunities for discounts and scholarships.

Please contact Jack Lampl, Administrator nolaadmin@akriceinstitute.org should you have any questions or need additional information.

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