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News index
NZ Prime Minister
Juggling Work/Life Balance...
Where am I going?
How can I get there? Young people on the move...
Young people
Your choice?
A Tavistock Institute Prescription for Leadership...
Group relations
a Practical Seminar Series for Organisational Change...
Season greetings every Tavistockian!
Nourished and energised by 2017 we look forward to seeing you in 2018 and way beyond!
Education & training
Do you care?
If you care to, come and join us at P3C...
Young people
Taking Responsibility for the state we’re in
Are social media platforms tearing apart the social fabric that binds us together, or are we all, collectively & individually, responsible for the state we’re in?
Group relations
Multiple Roles: Conflicted Interests
A conference assisting professionals, psychotherapists, academics & managers to work effectively where there are multiple roles with sometimes conflicting interests.
The Arch is Live
Juliet Scott, Festival Director looks back on the TIHR70 festival and announces ArchLive.
Group relations
The Governors
Beyond Conflict: Achieving Dynamic School Boards
Changes in the wind for the P3C programme
New Venue… New Format…
Young people
Lunchtime Talks are back! Fitting Care Navigation into Health Systems
This talk by Camilla Child and David Drabble explores the real stories and transformative effects of care navigators and outlines how a socio-technical systems approach can facilitate successful organisational change.
Studying transformation in South Africa
When last have you heard from Johannesburg?
Group relations
We have won 'Best Business Change & Development Consultancy 2017'
We secure another prestigious Win!
Thank You Letter from #TIHR70
Bringing you news and photos from our Four Days in October...
Social dreaming
About us
The Furious Cascade
The challenge of events for coach and client...
Spare rooms plan can’t solve NHS overcrowding
Health & social care
What is the ‘P’ in P3C?
Deepening consulting practice at the Tavistock Institute.
Arts & culture
Festival Social Dreaming Matrices #4: Friday 20 Oct 2017
Social dreaming
About us
From performer to leader
How easy is it to make the transition from being a performer to becoming the chief executive of an arts organisation?
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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
+44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706
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