
Featuring from the ArchLive: Ambient Jam Collective

Featuring from the ArchLive: Ambient Jam Collective

Keeping you informed about content and resources from our 70th Anniversary Celebrations festival.


4 April 2018

Keeping you informed about content and resources from our 70th Anniversary Celebrations festival.

Ambient Jam Collective is a multi-media dance improvisation which is uniquely sensitive to place, context and people. Ambient Jam entails improvisation as a way of social dreaming, that foregrounds kinaesthetic intelligence and sensory perception. Unfolding live art and ‘deep hanging out’, wordless stories emerge and landscapes shift in direct response to the qualities and energies of different sites.

For the festival, Ambient Jam drew upon visual object relation cards from the archives, including the prints and metal point drawings of artist Juliet Scott, created in response to the cards. Within the jam there were opportunities to observe, relax in the presence of it, take part; watch from a distance and come and go as you want.

Read more about what Ambient Jam did during our festival and see the specially devised score they produced, along with the resulting photographs of the event, on the festival website.

The ArchLive is a  record of events that took place as part of ‘Reimagining Human Relations in Our Time’, a festival celebrating 70 years of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, which took place in October 2017.

We have uploaded a number of recordings, reports, photographs and other outputs from these events onto the festival website.

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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