
The Ecosystem of Group Relations: latest in our Belgirate series

The Ecosystem of Group Relations: latest in our Belgirate series

Culture, Gender and Identity in Groups and Organisations, co-authored by contemporary Group Relations thinkers

The Ecosystem of Group Relations; Culture, Gender and Identity in Groups and Organisations

This is the sixth in the Belgirate Group Relations book series, covering papers and reflections from the Belgirate meeting series focused on the practice of Group Relations. This volume joins the collection offering insight into the work, thinking and development of the theory and practice of group relations.

The Belgirate scientific Group Relations meetings have been taking place every three years since 2003 in the beautiful village of Belgirate near Lake Maggiore in Italy. The meeting now takes place in Portugal but is still named Belgirate.

Belgirate meeting

The Belgirate meetings are led by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations with OFEK Group Relations and the AK Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems

‘For some years now, Belgirate has been the place to gather for the most innovative thinking in the area of group relations.

Based on a highly engaging conference at Belgirate, this volume brings together some of the foremost innovators and thinkers in the field. It makes for fascinating reading, and I whole-heartedly recommend it.’

Mark Stein, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Leadership and Management, University of Leicester

About this volume

The title “The Ecosystem of Group Relations” may not seem obvious, perhaps it feels a bit obscure, but it is the idea that unique context allows for new things to happen. 

Especially when you consider that the definition for an ecosystem is “a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life”. For those who have taken part in a group relations conference, either as staff or as a member, the idea of “a bubble of life” may seem like an accurate description. Each event is a unique moment and experience for those who are a part of it.

The theme from which the chapters are drawn is based on Winnicott’s idea about “the place where we live”. The space Winnicott is referring to is the space where we are enjoying life, taking into consideration the internal and external aspects of our reality which allow us as individuals to play, and to be creative in the culture that we create. This space can also be described as a potential space – that is where trust, confidence and playfulness can occur. 

This volume captures the creative response to the invitation to explore what Group Relations has to say about the social-political-cultural-technological aspects to the Winnicottian concept of ‘the place where we live’. It explores how group relations theory and practice are influenced by the socio-political-cultural-technological aspects of the institutions we have created.

The four sections of the book group the many responses and reflections to the state of our practice. Martijn van der Spek, Senior Organisational Consultant and Program Leader at Utrecht University states:

This book serves as a transitional spaceship, for exploring new territories of Group Relations life, thinking and methodology…. Fasten your seatbelts for this inspiring flight.

For more information about this book or to purchase a copy follow this link.

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