
Why don’t we put people first?

Why don’t we put people first?

The unthinkable and unsayable in Caribbean leadership

The unthinkable and unsayable in Caribbean leadership

The 4th Group Relations Conference in partnership between the Tavistock Institute and Caribbean Group Relations Consulting takes place online this November Thursday – Saturday, 25 – 27, 2021. We will be exploring what is unthinkable and unsayable in Caribbean leadership. Increasingly we have been hearing of corruption, embezzlement, cartels, judicial interference and collapsing of public systems. Whilst simultaneously, those working at the highest levels in these sectors gaining salary increases at an inverse proportion to falling public trust.

The dynamics of these systemic factors create conditions of complicity and duplicity at the levels of all enterprises that leave people perplexed and unsure of what to do to unravel this complex knot.

In January 2017, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development adopted a resolution on Public Integrity. What did they mean?

Public integrity refers to the consistent alignment of, and adherence to, shared ethical values, principles and norms for upholding and prioritising the public interest over private interests in the public sector.” (recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity)

So, how are we doing on that measure of putting the public interest over the private interests in the Caribbean? This experiential working conference brings a space for leaders at all levels in public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as those who coach and consult to them, to explore what underlying factors may be at play in the Caribbean and diaspora contexts.

As the ongoing implications of the pandemic unfold, we have a chance to identify the patterns of relating that have contributed to the inequalities of the past, and think creatively about what possibilities could be achieved in the future.

Applications are open now for this online conference: please contact Mary Fullerton, Director for Administration

E: mary@caribbeangroupconsulting.com
T: +1 868 681 3483

More information and the application form. You can also download the brochure here.

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