
The return of the artisan’: Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change

The return of the artisan’: Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change

HSBC, in its June edition of Business Matters writes about the return of the artisan, in the creation of unique products and services, delivered through micro-businesses in niche market positions.

HSBC, in its June edition of Business Matters writes about the return of the artisan, in the creation of unique products and services, delivered through micro-businesses in niche market positions.

Our experience in P3C tells us that this is a necessary feature also of large, multi-sited organisations, where specific and local interventions for change can flourish.

If your approach to consulting and change values the ‘artisan’, designing uniquely crafted interventions for unique situations, then you will be interested in applying for The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’ Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change. The challenges of sweeping economic and public policy reform require new and radical forms of organisation where routine responses and off-the-shelf solutions frustrate attempts to create and bring about vibrant change.

As with the artisan, participants seek mastery in practice: developing the self as instrument, the capacity to intervene through a mind-ful and grounded approach, combined with established and contemporary theoretical understanding.

For further information about the programme, contact Rachel Kelly.

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