
DesignScapes project has started!

DesignScapes project has started!

DesignScapes explores how design can help produce new solutions for dealing with wicked problems in our cities.


29 January 2018

DesignScapes explores how design can help produce new solutions for dealing with wicked problems in our cities.

DESIGNSCAPES (Building Capacity for Design enabled Innovation in Urban Environments) is a Horizon 2020 project approved under the topic CO-CREATION-02-2016 – User-driven innovation: value creation through design-enabled innovation.

The overarching aim of the DESIGNSCAPES project is to encourage, at city level, the uptake, further enhancement and up-scaling of Design enabled Innovations by existing enterprises, start-up companies, public authorities and agencies, and other urban stakeholders.

The project will identify and support (through a specific call for proposals, with a €1.5 million budget) at least 50 European pilots, run by public and private sector organisations. These pilots should highlight and evidence the opportunities and challenges for using design and user engagement to come up with new and effective solutions to key challenges facing our societies in five broad areas: climate change, social integration, aging society, citizens participation and sustainable use of resources. Drawing on the experience of these pilots, DesignScapes will produce policy recommendations, training modules, guides and specific tools, instruments and methods to support the take-up of user driven design-enabled innovation across Europe.

The Tavistock Institute team is responsible for designing the overarching evaluation methodology and framework for the project. This evaluation framework will combine four elements: participatory action research, theory of change, behavioural additionality and replication analysis. Among others, we will produce a common impact evaluation methodology and indicators to assess the contribution of design-enabled innovation to efficiency and competitiveness. Our role also encompasses support to partners and pilots on evaluation.

The evaluation framework will be completed in February 2018. It will be accompanied by a toolkit which will be produced by May 2018.

Project website: www.designscapes.eu

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