


Thank you for paying your balance. If you have any questions please speak to our Finance Officer, Karen Wykes (k.wykes@tavinstitute.org) or our Professional Development Manager, Meg Davies (m.davies@tavinstitute.org).

This form may required 3D secure authentication from your bank when taking payments.

Your ad-blocker might be preventing the 3D Secure* Pop-Up from appearing so please click the icon in the top right hand corner of your browser and allow pop-ups from our website. If you are using Adblock, please disable by turning it off.

*3D Secure protects your credit card against unauthorised use when shopping online, and will ask you to authenticate a payment with a personal code, sent to your phone or email.


If you have any issues submitting your payment, please try our fallback here. If you require further assistance please contact our Finance Officer, Karen Wykes (k.wykes@tavinstitute.org) or our Professional Development Manager, Meg Davies (m.davies@tavinstitute.org).

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706 | Design & build by Modern Activity