
Payments stripe

Payments stripe

Thank you for paying your balance. If you have any questions please speak to our Finance Officer, Karen Wykes (k.wykes@tavinstitute.org) or our Professional Development Manager, Meg Davies (m.davies@tavinstitute.org).

This form may required 3D secure authentication from your bank when taking payments.

Your ad-blocker might be preventing the 3D Secure* Pop-Up from appearing so please click the icon in the top right hand corner of your browser and allow pop-ups from our website. If you are using Adblock, please disable by turning it off.

*3D Secure protects your credit card against unauthorised use when shopping online, and will ask you to authenticate a payment with a personal code, sent to your phone or email.

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706 | Design & build by Modern Activity