
Virtual Executive Coaching

Virtual Executive Coaching

Beyond the screen and below the surface.

Beyond the screen and below the surface.

The executive coaching of leaders using a virtual format is not a new concept within the field of leadership support. Many coaches have moved over to working in this medium because of the obvious benefits:

  • Ease of supporting international executives
  • Limited travel, not just overseas, but across the country
  • Working time is less interrupted

For those not used to working virtually, the transition can be both difficult and exhausting. Little attention has previously been paid to the impact or meaning of using a computer to mediate the coaching relationship.

Our Certificate in Coaching for Leadership: Psychodynamic approaches looks closely at the dynamics of working virtually and reflects on the impact from a number of perspectives.

One topic for consideration and exploration is how to work with the reduction in non-verbal cues, recognising that when working with complex and emotive data that signals such as gestures, posture and vocal tone which are usually processed automatically, are experienced as more significant as our dependence on technology to make sense of interactions is increased.

Other data that would not normally be accessible, for example, the meeting context, becomes relevant as both roles – coach and coachee  – seek to understand or draw on information other than the words spoken, to make up for the cues that are absent.

It is accepted that working virtually is tiring and this is due to the increased distance and all the background emotional work that each person is doing. On the Coaching for Leadership programme, we help you understand and work with these dynamics.

The unexpected benefit of this knowledge is how we have adapted
Coaching for Leadership to be completely online, if necessary. We are ready to go with our Plan B for 2021 if the continuing challenges presented by Covid-19 prevent our meeting face to face.

Usually delivered in 4 modules of two days in a group format, the programme could be delivered on the agreed dates with additional sessions for the experiential elements that take place separately, whilst still supported and contained.

Learn more about Coaching for Leadership: Psychodynamic Approaches and view the new brochure. You can apply here.

The next programme starts in January 2021, please email Emily Kyte if you have any questions and to arrange a conversation with the programme directors.

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