
Transforming our leadership through complexity, role and connection

Transforming our leadership through complexity, role and connection

Online Group Relations Conference in South Africa

Online Group Relations Conference in South Africa

We are delighted to announce the third TILT / Tavistock Institute Group Relations Conference in South Africa. The conference will be online from 31 August – 4 September 2021 and provides a unique opportunity for the international community to join a truly South African GRC experience and gain exposure to an African understanding of psychodynamics and group relations in an online context.

Like the rest of the world, South Africa and Africa are grappling with how to connect and take up role in an increasingly complex world. How do we engage with the underlying forces in this online, disembodied world, where, paradoxically, our bodies are being threatened by an ever-mutating pandemic? How do we remain creative when we are surrounded by perpetual grief, fear and an increasing cynicism towards macro-level authorities? Do we dare transform the way we lead and follow?

Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years and in 1994, 27 years ago, South Africa was thrust into a celebratory transformative space through political change. We have realised that we have learnt many lessons and that many lessons can still be learnt about transformation in a complex context, now also marked by a pandemic.

The conference organisers: ‘As South Africans, we are convinced that South Africa and Africa have a contribution to make in finding answers to these questions, not in isolation but in partnership with our global community’.

Join this unique experience

Conference Title: Complexity, role and connection – transforming our leadership

Dates: 31 August – 4 September 2021

Conference Director: Dr Michelle May

Early Bird Discount: 30 June 2021 – there are also discounts for Independent practitioners, full-time students, academics and participants from the non-profit sector.

In five days of full immersion, participants will:

  • Learn to lead when boundaries and roles are shifting unpredictably;
  • Study the ‘invisible’ dynamics affecting organisations by creating an organisation, in the here-and-now, composed by participants from South Africa, the rest of Africa and the world.
  • Explore the power of working with the ‘elephant in the room’;
  • Experience the interplay between anxiety, transformation, resistance and performance;
  • Confront the hidden biases that affect how you ‘show up’ in the moment;
  • Discover the complexity of fully taking up your own authority.

Here is the brochure with more details.  If you have any questions, contact the Conference Administrator, Lurinda Maree on +27 (0)82 477 940.

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