
Supervision for Coaching and Consultancy goes online

Supervision for Coaching and Consultancy goes online

Certificate in Supervision for Coaching and Consultancy is now accepting applications

We are now inviting applications for Certificate in Supervision for Coaching and Consultancy

When introducing the idea of supervision, the “super” element of the role is often overlooked or minimised. It could be suggested that this is because it implies the advanced knowledge held within the occupant. The issue however is what does that advanced knowledge consist of?

Grueneisen and Izod highlight two key aspects of the role; expertise and containment. They define expertise as “relating to an ordinarily good capacity to think and intervene with a client system (or coaching relationship) in relation to a particular problem or set of challenges” (Whittle 2009). They also connect it to the capacity to recall several theoretical models or methodologies to help resolve a problem.

The Certificate in Supervision for Coaching and Consultancy helps experienced coaches and consultants to connect with their expertise. Throughout the programme the practicum allows participants to explore the models, theories, approaches, and frameworks that are shared and to apply the learning directly to their clients or to themselves. The main approach used in the exploration of supervision is the Tavistock Approach.

Our approach is underpinned by systems psychodynamics and psychoanalytic thinking and informs the lens we use to understand the coaching and consultancy. It is through this lens Grueneisen and Izod introduce the concept of containment, which is drawn from the work of Bion. The capacity to hold the anxiety and frustration of another is a core skill in supervision, as it is in this space that is created, that there is room for thinking.

We invite you to explore and expand your knowledge and practice of supervision. The new programme starts in October and there are still places available.

If you have any questions or would like a conversation about the programme, please contact Emily Kyte, Administrator or on +44 (0)20 7417 0407.

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