News index
Dr Eliat Aram and Dr Simon Western discuss sustainability, the environment, urban development, and creative working around how the future is being shaped.
Green light for the 'PARCS Grows Everybody' Rape Crisis oral history project, exploring the legacy of Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.
The WGI film (2022), made by Leeds Animation Workshop with women and girls working with and supported by WGI funded projects.
Lisa Ward presents a webinar, recorded in April 2022, considering the role of lived experience in the women and girls’ sector, drawing on research with the Rape Crisis Network, ending with some practice recommendations.
Dr Nicola Sharp-Jeffs presents a webinar, considering the evidence, policy and practice implications around economic abuse, recorded in March 2022.
Transforming the lives of women and girls by creating the right physical and emotional spaces - a new evidence briefing.
Sharing insights from our evaluation of The Coronavirus Community Support Fund Grantholder Learning Strand.
Past 2021-2022 Deepening Creative Practice with Organisations participants share their process
A key European publication on working post pandemic. Findings include implications for managers and the Autonomy Paradox.