
Lived Experience in the sector: How do we better enable a ‘We’?

Lived Experience in the sector: How do we better enable a ‘We’?

Lisa Ward presents a webinar, recorded in April 2022, considering the role of lived experience in the women and girls’ sector, drawing on research with the Rape Crisis Network, ending with some practice recommendations.

Lisa Ward, photo by Sarah Plater

In 2022, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations hosted two webinars as part of the Women and Girls Initiative Learning and Impact Services. Both webinars are available to watch via the Institute’s YouTube channel. Open to all WGI projects, funders and commissioners of women and girls services, researchers and others involved in the field of specialist services for women and girls, both webinars attracted over 150 attendees.

The second webinar, was titled Lived Experience in the sector: How do we better enable a ‘We’?, and was led by Lisa Ward, an Activist, lived Experience Consultant, Public Speaker, and Researcher.

Lisa drew on Liz Kelly’s question of ‘Have we  lost the we’ in the VAWG sector? Exploring research undertaken with the Rape Crisis network, Lisa charted the changing social and political landscapes of the past 40 years and also drawing on her own lived experience analysed their impact on service structures and delivery. The webinar shared some interesting learning and recommendations from research undertaken with the Rape Crisis network.

The webinar recordings are some of the final public outputs from the WGI Learning and Impact Services and are available alongside previous reports, briefings and the WGI animation film “Where she was to where she is now: Celebrating the Women and Girls Initiative” made by Leeds Animation Workshop with WGI projects. These resources will continue to be available as part of the legacy from the WGI.

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