
You are good - Launching the Tavistock Institute Action Learning Space

You are good - Launching the Tavistock Institute Action Learning Space

Lunchtime Talk: 20th Jan. Getting unstuck - TI Action Learning Space.


9 January 2016

TIHR Lunchtime Talk: 20th January 2016

TIHR Lunchtime talk series 2016 begins Wednesday 20th January 2016 1.00pm to 2.00pm. Dr Milena Stateva will launch the Tavistock Institute Action Learning Space

  • Can we think differently about the consequences of our actions and inactions?
  • How do we live with what has been done before?
  • Is there another way of thinking about strategy and future?

To view full screen click the icon in the bottom right corner of the video above.

The purpose of The Tavistock Institute Action Learning Space is to support us in comprehending and staying with these difficult questions. It gathers long used social science methodologies to help people and organisations come unstuck. The Action Learning Space is therefore for those, who have mastered their professions. It polishes their ability to navigate and lead in their communities and organisations.

In this first Lunchtime Talk of 2016 Milena invites you to get a feel of what it means to be a member, to convene and to nurture such a space. We will thus explore meanings of a group, such as:

  • what Bion called ‘a storm between minds’ and how this storm nourishes selves in a role, organisations and communities;
  • the group as the home and the guide to moral questions;
  • the group as a gate to creativity and receptivity that bridges the contemporary doer/thinker divide.

Come along and bring your lunch to discover what makes this initiative a cutting edge opportunity for leaders, citizens and human beings to be the best they can be.

If you would like to attend this talk please send an email to talks@tavinstitute.org with your name, the talk date and title.

If you cannot come, you can Skype – just let us know. You are good. 

Every third Wednesday at the Tavistock Institute, staff, associates, trustees and partners have come together for these informal talks. Their intention is the provision of a space of debate and reflection between Tavistock staff, those who are or have been collaborating with us and other interested researchers and practitioners

You are welcome to bring your own lunch.

For more information on upcoming and previous talks, how to book or get more involved go to the dedicated Food for Thought webpages.

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hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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