
Launching HOUR, an action learning group

Launching HOUR, an action learning group

HOUR group: Harnessing Organisational Understanding and Role.


9 November 2015

HOUR group: Harnessing Organisational Understanding and Role

Be realistic, demand the impossible*

We are warmly welcoming senior organisational practitioners, decision and policy makers, to join us in a journey of finding the voice, the praxis and the silence they need to move forward in their current contexts.

The group is unique in offering a space to develop critical leadership that is mindful of the environment as much as of the issues facing the workforce. This position can evolve to resistance leadership in times of need. Resistance leadership is an overlooked potential of leadership which is best understood as the ability to ride waves of dissent in tough times; leading for value-driven change instead of the usual approach of managing dissent (Zoller and Fairhurst, 2007). Contrary to widespread belief, resistance leadership is a must for thriving organisations and can be developed alongside more conventional styles that blend management, compassion and creativity with business skills.

HOUR can be particularly good new starting point for those who usually occupy a senior role, are at the top of their professions, departments or organisation. Combining critical studies with organisational development methodologies,  HOUR opens a space for developing new, stunning ways of leading that, paradoxically, rely on an ability to be receptive and responsive as much as proactive, pragmatic and inspirational.

This opportunity is for you, if you already hold a responsible position and have advanced skills, knowledge and qualifications. Grounded in the here and now to explore there and then, the group will hold, contain, challenge and be there for and with its members.

HOUR will gather every third week of the month beginning on January, 22nd. Your place should be booked up at least five working days in advance of the session.

This group is a part of The Tavistock Institute Action Learning SpaceQuestioning the traces: recovering the status of soul, wondering and reason.

To find out more, to present the opportunity to your organisation and to spread the word, download the HOUR leaflet with joining information. The group is available until December 2016.

Milena Stateva, PhD

* Graffiti, cited by Weeks. K. (The problem with work, 2011:175)
Image credit: Still Life, 2006, Monotype in Oil 50 x 70.5 cm © Juliet Scott. All rights reserved, DACS 2015. 

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