
24th Authority, Leadership and Innovation (ALI) Conference

24th Authority, Leadership and Innovation (ALI) Conference

Restarting from the vortices: Regenerative Authority, Leadership and Followership

Restarting from the vortices: Regenerative Authority, Leadership and Followership

The 24th ALI Group Relations Conference (ALI 2022) from 8 – 11 September will be in presence and for the fifth time takes place in Sicily, at the centre of the Mediterranean (“a sea among the lands”, to quote an Italian song by CRIFIU).

Sicily is a symbolic and geological land – a crossroad where people and civilisations meet, collide and create – that has been used, over the centuries, in conflicts, hybridisation and real & mythological turbulences. As such, and like other places on our planet and from our histories, it is a fractal of events, processes and dynamics taking place in the rest of the world.

The planet, people and societies (no institution or organisation is excluded) are facing complex and existential challenges that are putting at risk the possibility of thinking and building a future.

Climate change, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine are exposing, more than before, the fragility and interdependency of our world. Traditional and predominant ways of leading (and following?) while holding a grip on power, seem incapable of working with, let alone addressing and solving, these wicked problems.

  • Will everything be like before?!
  • Will new scenarios develop?
  • What does sustainable mean today?
  • What and who will be included and what will not?
  • What is the role of individuals and groups?
  • Will a generational succession/transition take place?
  • Or has the pandemic, dramatically associated to the climate and economic crises (eco-logical and eco-nomical, having the same etymological root in “eco” thus “home”), started processes of deep change that are not fully manifested?
  • How will the world, governments, countries and their people deal with this dramatic crisis coming also from the east of Europe?

These questions have informed the design of ALI 2022 The ways individuals, groups, organisations, and communities are consciously and/or unconsciously equipping themselves for the various restarts will be the form of these changes and the measure of the degree of developed resilience.

ALI 2022 is an opportunity for exploring how authority, leadership and followership can be exercised for facilitating exiting from this intense period of turbulences and returning to sustainable wellbeing in organisations, businesses and institutions.

Sicily, with an active volcano and a channel where two seas join and put mythological crews between difficult choices (Sicilian Channel), is rich in resilient places and people where ALI 2022’s members, are invited with others to take up or, better, to re-take up regenerative roles and explore conscious and unconscious dimensions.

The challenges we are facing call for a collective and innovative inquiry, we invite you to join us in the Mediterranean leg (venue) of the journey.  There are still places available, including in the Training Group.  If you have any questions or would like a conversation, please contact:

Co-directors:             Luca Mingarelli         Antonio Sama

Co-Administrators:        Elena Pini              Lili Valkó

Antonio is a Professional Partner of the Institute from the Business School at Canterbury Christ Church University.

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