
Coaching, Supervision & Therapy

Coaching, supervision and therapy serve the individual, the couple, the small group or the team. As Tavistock practitioners, our organising principle is that no person is an island, and so the wider systemic context of the client always informs the dyad or small group work. 

Long before executive coaching became ‘a thing’ in the world, we at the institute worked with individuals and teams in their work context with a framework we termed ‘role consultation’.

Our coaching/role consultation work operates at the cusp of the individual’s or team’s sense-making process, contextualised in the organisational / work-related / professional arena.

Our distinctive approach to coaching is based on an understanding of the psycho-social and psycho-physical factors that shape a leader’s behaviour, the organisational system in which they operate. We help develop a coachees’ capacity to relate and respond in - and to - complex systems of interest and responsibility, and to understand their own part in the process.

Our supervision provision can be best thought of as ‘trainers of the trainers’. 

Our highly experienced practitioners offer reflective, developmental and educational spaces, which bring two minds (or a small group) together to explore work related issues and behaviours. This is a contextual activity which holds in mind the individual and the patterns of thinking and behaving that they have developed through life, alongside the organisations that they are working with. 

We work dialogically, phenomenologically and cognitively, to create a space for sense making of role taking, enabling the supervisee off-load and recuperate when working in difficult contexts or clients who are suffering hardship.

Our therapy and counselling offer is provided by a small group of us who are qualified and registered with one of the UK’s qualifying bodies - including BPA, UKCP, or BACP. 

Unlike common belief, we do not think that counselling or psychotherapy are a luxury, but rather an essential space and time of growth, support and development for individuals, couples, or groups, to be introspective, examine the relationship between themselves and the world they inhabit, look after their inner selves and selves in relations. 

In our new offices we have curated an inviting, safe space with a containing and relaxing ambience that offers individuals, couples or groups the opportunities to do exactly that.

All of our services — coaching, supervision, and therapy — can be offered in person, online or as a hybrid, depending on circumstances and to be agreed with the Tavistock practitioner.

For inquiries approach: Meg Davies

If you prefer, you can approach us directly.

For coaching and supervision 

Dr. Eliat Aram
I have always been a ‘grown up’ kind of girl, working and volunteering from age 12. I always knew I wanted to be a mother, a therapist, a partner and a good friend. I was the spokesperson for the underdog for as long as I can remember and fighting for the integrity of role and purpose has somehow been in my bones since growing up. In a...
Coreene Archer
I am an organisation consultant and executive coach. This is how I frame my professional identity and describe my role. I work with organisations, groups and individuals exploring issues or challenges that occur. Through this process we surface and navigate emerging difficulties, whilst developing new perspectives and responses. For me, people are endlessly interesting. I am curious about what is said and what remains unsaid, what...
Camilla Child
I have a number of great and enduring passions which form a thread in my career. One of the first questions I asked at a staff meeting when I arrived at the Tavistock Institute three decades ago was ‘Umm... who has the power here?’ The question was driven by an insatiable curiosity to understand unfolding dynamics and make sense of them. And then to help people...
Rachel Kelly
Working at the Tavistock Institute (from 2003) has profoundly changed my life, and I want to share with others the tools that have benefitted me — systems psychodynamics oriented organisational consultancy — that provide ways of thinking that help navigate the whole of life, in all its complexity.  This is the beauty of a learning organisation — people are fascinating. I’m particularly interested in the psychophysical —...
Juliet Scott
I am an artist in social practice. Through drawing, paint and print, I study groups of people and objects and their ecological relationships within a wider landscape. I elaborate this into interactions, interventions, installations with individuals, groups and organisations creating challenging and complex settings for meaningful learning and social change. I call this ‘sentient excavation’ – deriving from leading the Institute’s archive, and which is an...
Dr. Mannie Sher
Growing up in South Africa under Apartheid, made me aware of the deep suffering caused by totalitarian regimes. My research consultancy and publishing career, therefore, has been a lifelong mission to improve the lives, the working conditions and the well-being of people as individuals, in their social and work organisations and in their communities where they express their social, political or faith selves.  At the Tavistock Institute...

For counselling and psychotherapy

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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