
S[in]ging and moving ab[out]

S[in]ging and moving ab[out]

Applying and evolving Deepening Creative Practice in and out of the NHS field, with Bernadette Kennedy and Emily Kyte


Wednesday 18 October 2023, 1pm — 2.30pm

Khadine, Bruno Catalano

In this interactive, hybrid lunchtime talk, Bernadette Kennedy and Emily Kyte (The Tavistock Institute) explore how musical performance can cut through many of the issues that individuals and groups may face within their organisational lives.

In Summer 2023, Bernadette and Emily brought their first musical performance workshop to teams within the NHS, exploring how a unique combination of music, physicality, drama and reflection could impact upon individuals and groups, taking them outside their comfort zones, helping them explore new experiences, helping them to connect, self-discover- and more!

This ‘Food for Thought’ lunchtime talk will be a unique opportunity for you to experience this work first hand, and contribute to our thinking around how music and performance can continue to have a positive impact on groups and individuals in organisations.

Emily Kyte is an employee of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relationships, working with the Arts & Organisations programme. She has a background as an opera singer, having performed professionally with the ENO, English Touring Opera, Garsington Opera and Grange Park Opera. She is currently training in person-centred psychotherapy at the Metanoia Institute, and combines her experience in the arts with her passion for people.

Bernadette Kennedy is an alumnus of our Deepening Creative Practice programme, and has years of experience managing teams across the NHS. She is a visual artist, a painter, and brings performance art into many aspects of her work.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706 | Design & build by Modern Activity