
Virtual Simulations

Virtual Simulations

Drawing on group relations methodologies, this event took the established elements of time, task and territory and marries them together with the virtual world.

The event explored the dynamics and impact of the broadening boundaries of working life.

The changes are seismic in their effect on the way we relate to each other, on how we work together and to how we build relationships. In the 21st Century, the use of technology dominates the way we make contact with each other and how we negotiate and manage life and work. Previously firm boundaries are now semi-permeable – for the better and in some cases, for the worse. What challenges do these changes present to the employer, the employed, clients and to the rest of life?

The event had the double task of delivering a pre-defined task and reflecting on the process. Space for sense-making was embedded into the event.


Coreene Archer – Organisation and Group Relations Consultant interested in leadership, technology, identity and belonging.David Drabble – Researcher Consultant who is interested in virtual teams and their impact on working life.Mehul Patel – Head of Finance, with interest in how organisations work and particularly in our relationship with technology.Charlie Bambrough – Research Apprentice interested in how and why things happen and the effect that this can have on working life.
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