Led by established artists Rosalind Fowler and James Holcombe, this hands-on drop in workshop explored the artistic, social, and playful possibilities of tinting 16mm motion picture film using dyes derived from organic plant material from The Garden Museum and beyond.
Participants in the workshop were encouraged to make discoveries that drew out ideas and possibilities inherent in this simple and ecologically friendly creative session. The films made have been digitised and are available to see here as an online legacy of the session.
Film made during the workshop:
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James’ long established practice intertwines single screen and expanded film performances, screened nationally and internationally at festivals. His most recent project, Tyburnia documents the social, political and psychic resonances of the Tyburn execution site in London. This film tours as a live performance. Excerpts can be found here: https://vimeo.com/jamesholcombe/videos. James manages no.w.here, a space run by cultural workers maintaining a variety of unique film resources with artists, where he provides conceptual, practical, and creative support to peers in the production and distribution of work. His films can be seen at: www.jamesholcombe.netRosalind is an artist and filmmaker, whose work explores the politics and poetics of place and belonging in the contemporary English landscape through the prisms of folk culture, alternative communities, science fiction, prehistory and dreams. Through quasi-ethnographic forms of enquiry she combines lived experiences and narratives with performance, fictionalisation, writing and the language of the subconscious in her work. Her interests lie in experimenting with the potentialities of documentary and fiction filmmaking to investigate boundaries between the real and imagined, visible and invisible within culture. www.rosalindfowler.co.uk