
Living on a Prayer: Worship Posture as a Model for Societal Cohesion

Living on a Prayer: Worship Posture as a Model for Societal Cohesion

Society both in Britain and in the USA is deeply fractured along many lines; religious, political, cultural and racial. One of the causes is the chasm between individual and society.

Using the various postures of Jewish prayer as conceptual models, Naftali Brawer applies them to this problem and introduce a third way that recognises the uniqueness of the individual while harnessing this to a shared sense of purpose with others.

Working across multiple disciplines, the presentation draws on sociology, philosophy and mysticism.


Audio recording of talk: Please use headphones and apologies for poor sound in places.[x_audio_embed][/x_audio_embed]


Naftali Brawer was ordained as an Orthodox rabbi at the age of twenty two and went on to serve as spiritual leader of two large congregations for fifteen years. He recently co-founded Mishkan: the Jewish Community Beyond Boarders.Since 2011 he has served as Chief Executive of Spiritual Capital Foundation, in which capacity he advises corporations and organisations on ethics and values. Naftali holds a PhD in Hebrew and Jewish Studies from University College London. He is a published author, columnist and broadcaster.
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