
Living Archive Conversations

Living Archive Conversations

You are invited to join an informal conversation group about the earlier years of the Tavistock Institute and its interaction with and impact on ‘partner’ organisations and to contribute your memories and reflections. Our shared lived experiences may add important additional material to the Archive, and call to memory where we have travelled from, which may throw new light on where we are today. Jean Reed of The Grubb Institute will lead the conversation. Her memories date from 1963, and she will be joined at different times by her colleague Colin Quine (from 1969).

We will record the conversation. It is expected that participants will come and go when they wish.

This event takes place on Tuesday and Friday.


Jean Reed was involved as a secretary in the founding of the Christian Teamwork Trust in 1957, which became The Grubb Institute in 1969. From 1963 CTT ran joint “Learning for Leadership” group relations conferences with the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations until 1969 (8 conferences), for which she was the Administrator, and during that time was also Administrator for some TIHR conferences. In 1969 she joined Colin Quine on the Grubb professional staff team. She has directed group relations conferences in the UK and abroad, been a faculty member of the Grubb Masters programme, and contributed to MA and Doctorate programmes at the Tavistock Clinic. She has led a number of action research projects in the UK and Ireland.
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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