
Learning from young leaders in the Peruvian Amazon

Learning from young leaders in the Peruvian Amazon

An invitation from the Amazon

This event created the opportunity to interact with the work and learning of young leaders in the Peruvian Amazon and engage in intercultural dialogue.

The origin of this curatorial event is with young people who have experienced and learned from the Adaptation of Group Relations in the Peruvian Amazon. During the session, photographs, excerpts of films, drawings, paintings and documentation of 7 years of the program HOPE OF THE AMAZON – Iquitos, Peru were presented. We invited participants to interact beyond language and cultures and through a matrix of Intercultural Associations.

The event was facilitated and supported by Heather Stradling and Nick Preston from the Tavistock Institute. Bringing together young adults in the UK with the work of the young people from the Amazonas; with the aim of beginning an ongoing relationship and conversation between the two groups for future action research/greater intercultural understanding.

Attendees included young people interested in connecting with young Amazonas communities, students and graduates of anthropology and sociology, as well as those interested in group relations.


We are young Amazonians who have been beneficiaries of the Tavistock Tradition and who are developing our practice by taking new roles. We are starting to become professionals and working out how to combine the learnings with our professional adult responsibilities. If some consultants engage with our work they can also take a journey into the past of our first conferences and help us to envisage our future as Amazonian Consultants.Beatriz Rodriguez Macuyama (Iquitos – Perú) Formal Director HOTA-Iquitos. Communications student from Universidad Científica del Perú -UCP and photographer.Jhonatan Rodriguez Macuyama (Iquitos – Perú) Social Anthropology student from Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana- UNAP, art manager freelance and poet writer.Ronal Huaje Wampuch (Awajun– Perú) Environmental engineer student from Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana- UNAP and Drawing artistFacilitators:Heather Stradling (London – UK) Senior Researcher and Consultant at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and arts based participatory practice (in fields such as social exclusion, creativity, young people)Nick Preston (London – UK) Research Administrator at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and anthropology undergraduate at Goldsmiths College, University of London.
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