
Festival Social Dreaming Matrices

Festival Social Dreaming Matrices

What Did You Dream About Last Night? 

During TIHR70, festival dreamers were invited to take part in our daily inquiry to explore what collective meanings we can find from sharing our overnight dreams and what they might tell us about our current shared experiences and understandings.

The festival Social Dreaming followed on from two previous series that were held as part of the archive cataloguing process, which coincided with extraordinary world events: to mention a few Brexit, the nomination and election of President Trump. We wondered what dreams would brought to the Social Dreaming matrices during be the festival celebrations, within the context of question of reimagining human relations and the phenomenal happenings of the time in London and further afield?

The Social Dreaming events took place in the Reading Room at the Wellcome Library each morning of the festival between 10.30am – 11.45am. No booking required was required, participants just turned up on the day.


Facilitated by international experts in the methodology and Tavistock staff, the story of each event was written up on the archive blog as part of a continuing and unique record of the relationship between dreams and the archive. Dreamers and their dreams are anonymised.Read a report on each day’s Social Dreaming by following the links below:


Event facilitators/ hosts:Leslie Brissett is a leadership consultant and the Company Secretary at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. He is adviser to, and held senior leadership in, central, regional and local government as well as the NHS and Further Education. He has a long standing curiosity about the spiritual realm and studied with a Zen Master for 14 years. He found his way into Group Relations through working with the Grubb Institute as part of their Being Meaning Engaging series. He took the role as Director of the 70th Leicester Conference in 2016 and the 71st Leicester Conference in 2017.Tim Dartington, PhD – Tim was a member of staff at TIHR where he worked alongside Isabel Menzies Lyth and Eric Miller. He contributed to a series of ground-breaking action research studies on health and social welfare and continues to work as a Professional Partner of the Institute. He is associate director of the 2017 ‘Leicester Conference’, Presence in Absence: In & Out @Work, and a past director of these annual Tavistock Institute experiential group relations conferences on task, authority and organization. He is the author of Managing Vulnerability, the underlying dynamics of health and social care, (Karnac, 2010).Mira Erlich-Ginor is a psychoanalyst involved in Group Relations activity for more than 30 years in Israel and internationally. She has served as Chair of OFEK and directed many of its conferences. She was among the initiators of the application of the Group Relations approach to the difficult historical relationship of Germans and Israelis. Ten years ago she founded with colleagues PCCA – Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities, an organisation devoted to applying this approach and method to the impact of residues of ethnic, national, and international trauma and strife on societies and individuals.Franca Fubini – Italian psychoanalytic psychotherapist, group analyst and organisational consultant (trained at the Tavistock Consulting Services). Works in private practice and for the public administrations. Has been director and consultant of GRC in Italy and abroad. Chair of the Gordon Lawrence Foundation, vice chair of il Nodo, member of OPUS and ISPSO.Rachel Kelly is Professional Development Coordinator at the Tavistock Institute and has been working on the marketing, recruitment, administration and support systems for the Tavistock Institute’s Professional Development portfolio since 2005. Underlying all the Tavistock Institute’s work is a commitment to the dissemination of our ongoing ideas, theories and methodologies and to life-long learning and professional development and furthermore, to embodying them in practice ie living the work. To this end, Rachel is also an Alexander Technique teacher – the Alexander Technique is about performance – how to discard unhelpful patterns of thought, movement and tension and promoting the skilful use of the whole self- how we move and breathe, how we learn and act and, above all, how we choose our reactions to increasingly demanding situations. Rachel brings this to the various courses that we offer and runs the Embodying Role Event at the Leicester conference.Debra A. Noumair is Founder and Director of the Executive Masters Program in Change Leadership (XMA), Director of Executive Education Programs in Change and Consultation and Associate Professor in Social-Organisational Psychology in the Department of Organisation and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Noumair is currently engaged in teaching, research, consulting, and coaching; the focus of her work is on applying systems psychodynamics to executive education as well as to organisation change at multiple levels with individuals, teams, and organisations. A group relations scholar and practitioner, Dr. Noumair is a Fellow of the A. K. Rice Institute where she served on the Board of Directors for nine years. Dr. Noumair is co-author of Organisation Development: A Process of Learning & Changing, 3rd Edition, co-editor of the Emerald annual book series, Research on Organisation Change and Development, and coeditor of Group Dynamics, Organisational Irrationality, and Social Complexity: Group Relations Reader 3. She is an Associate Editor for The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science and on the International Advisory Board of The Journal of Social and Organisational Dynamics.
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