
Digital Transformation & Leadership in Times of Industry 4.0

Digital Transformation & Leadership in Times of Industry 4.0

Its impact on humans

The work life and the organisational world is changing very fast. Digitisation and the industrial revolution 4.0 is accelerating these changes. The impact on organisations and humans will be immense. Some new developments are organisations and their ecosystems, digital leadership, digital and agile organisational culture, new work places, robots in factories, big data and new business models, virtual/augmented reality, mobility all around, open innovation via the Internet.

With digitisation and its possibilities, traditional ways of collaboration human-to-human as well as leadership in organisations and of its ecosystems will change. Future organisations will work in highly networked ways. Digital readiness and competencies of leaders and of organisations are key issues in Digital Transformation. OD consultants, coaches, leaders in organisations, organisational clients, members of the public are all impacted by the digitisation and the new technologies in their organisations. They are confronted with those unknown and new technology. At the same time, they must be able to deal with the psychological and unconscious aspects of digital transformation. In addition to the risks, however, it is also important to use the opportunities offered by digitalisation in a meaningful manner for our organisations. Leaders and consultants must guide and help to handle the digital transformation process.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özdemir introduces the topic with a presentation and with some examples from the organisational world.


Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özdemir: lives in Germany, Switzerland and Turkey. In 1994 I founded the oezpa GmbH Academy and Consulting, Bornheim (near Cologne-Bonn/ Germany). Activities I am involved in include: director of the research group Digital Transformation and Leadership at the Institute of Electronic Business, IEB, University of Arts, Berlin; senior lecturer in Organisational Diagnosis and Consulting at the Fresenius University Masterclass in Business Psychology, Cologne/ Germany; member of the advisory board of Digital Change GmbH (DCG), Lucerne/ Switzerland. I work as an executive consultant; executive coach; trainer and moderator for processes of Organisational Development/ Change Management, Digital Transformation, Strategy Development, Team Building and Leadership Development.
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