
Ambient Jam Collective

Ambient Jam Collective

Landscapes shift, wordless stories unfold, creative choices are made, and sometimes people move through journeys in themselves and with others.

Ambient Jam is a multi-media dance improvisation which is uniquely sensitive to place, context and people. The improvisation is forged by 25 years of collaboration between a team of artists and people with profound disabilities, who are adept at working with uncertainty, negative capability, and the mindfulness of the present moment.

Ambient Jam entails improvisation as a way of social dreaming, that foregrounds kinaesthetic intelligence and sensory perception. Unfolding live art and ‘deep hanging out’, wordless stories emerge and landscapes shift in direct response to the qualities and energies of different sites.

For the festival Ambient Jam drew upon visual object relation cards from the archives, including the prints and metal point drawings of artist Juliet Scott, created in response to the cards. Within the jam there was opportunities to observe, relax in the presence of it, take part; watch from a distance and come and go as you want.

“I came to Ambient Jam with a participant who I support… and I was just blown away by the beautiful energy that filled the room…” Cathie Sutton, support worker, Access for Living

Ambient Jam’s improvisations are open to all ages from 0-100+; people with profound disabilities and learning disabilities are very welcome.


Ambient jam working score for Tavistock Institute FestivalThis score (download PDF) comprises roughly compiled email correspondence, notes and sketches, from the Ambient jam team, which led to the creation of the final visual working score. It is a testimony to collaboration and how ideas rove between us all. Entelechy artists are free-lance and so many ideas were exchanged via email, sketches done in note books on public transport; and brief recce’s.


Entelechy Arts is based in Lewisham, south east London.The company works with isolated older people and adults who have profound and complex disabilities to place the arts at the heart of a process striving to achieve more equal, connected and engaged communities.Entelechy believes that creativity has a central role to play in re-imagining civic connections between historically marginalised individuals and groups. Participation in the arts enables people to feel present, alive and engaged with their world and with the worlds of others. Entelechy’s work creates new contexts and purpose to increase points of connection and engagement, building relationships across generations, across cultures and across abilities.In the past few years we have been bringing Ambient jam out of the studio and in to increasingly more public spaces, as this encourages us to be attentive to how the improvisation might expand and be informed by the presence of anyone who chances upon it.[x_image type=“none” float=“none” src=“http://tavistock-festival:8888/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Ambient-Jam-45-web.jpg” info=“none” info_place=“top” info_trigger=“hover”]Entelechy Arts, Ambient Jam, photo: Roswitha Chesher
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706 | Design & build by Modern Activity